12000 upgrade


New member
So this is my situation...

I've currently got a great little project studio that covers my basic needs right now, but I want to upgrade and I've budgeted myself approximately 12 grand over the next 3 years. Here's what the setup looks like right now:

A Delta 1010, using an Maudio Octane and DMP3 for pres, along with an SMPro Pr8 that I don't use but want to do some mods to, an Beri HA4700 for headphones, a pair of RNC's, and Event TR6's for listening. I run it all on Cubase SX, using a Beri MCR2000 to help me avoid mousing everything... I have a great collection of mics, including the staples (4040, M179, SM's, D112, an MD421) along with some more particular choices (NTK, M201TG, e609s, pro37r, Mk012's). There's some obvious places for upgrade, like convertors and I/O capability, Monitors, and adding those 'Money' mics and pres.

I've done my research and kinda know what I want to upgrade to, but I want some suggestions from people who've used the gear I want to upgrade to, and here's that list:

I want to move to a Motu 2408 Mk3 system (utilizing the ADAT ins with the Octane). keeping the headphone mixer and monitors, I want to add a Presonus Central station along with a pair of Mackie HR824's. I also want to add an Alesis Masterlink (from my research it's arguably the best CD recorder out there!). I wanna get rid of the BCR and move to a MCU. I currently use plugins for most effects, but now I'd like to do more outboard so I'd like to get a Mangler and Rumour as well.

For mics I was looking at the Soundelux U195, as well as adding a staple or two (4050, 414, another NTK). The real question is whether I unload the NTK and/or 4040, grab a 4050 and search for a high value LDC rather than have a bunch of mid value and one upper-mid value LDC

The real place I'm having trouble is figuring out what I should do with preamps... I like the Octane, and I've enjoyed my DMP3(s), but the PR8 is a waste unless it's modded, and I've never really owned those 'expensive' preamps that most people say are important. Do I go with a couple different single channles like John Hardy, GR, Avalon, or do I go with a dual channel from GR, Avalon, Mindprint (DTC), or someone else? What about the lunchbox? I can get 2 or 4 channels of OSA/A Designs/Buzz/API for 1500-3000...

Oh and in case you're wondering, I'm not forgetting room treatment... i build my own furniture too, and I know that there'll be a bunch of extra needs that will pop up. I try to buy as much as I can used, unless that isn't prudent, and so my 12 grand will go a long way.

Also, in what order would you get this stuff in (assuming upgrades would occur approximately every 6 months-1 year with about 2-4 grand spent each upgrade).


They are the first thing I would go for. A good pre and a good mic can save alot of headaches. I use avalon, manley, api, neve, and daking pres and blue, shure, neumann, GT, rode, AKG and royer mics. You might look into a couple TLM103s with a pair of Daking Pres. Or maybe some 414s and a couple of Api 312s. Listen to mics and pres if you can. If there is a high end studio you might ask them to take a tour and see if they will let you listen to some mics/pres. If it were up to me I'd say, geta pair of Neve 1073s and a couple of Telefunken U67s or 47s, but that's the stuff that home studio dreams are made of. :D
Blue Groove said:
They are the first thing I would go for. A good pre and a good mic can save alot of headaches. I use avalon, manley, api, neve, and daking pres and blue, shure, neumann, GT, rode, AKG and royer mics. You might look into a couple TLM103s with a pair of Daking Pres. Or maybe some 414s and a couple of Api 312s. Listen to mics and pres if you can. If there is a high end studio you might ask them to take a tour and see if they will let you listen to some mics/pres. If it were up to me I'd say, geta pair of Neve 1073s and a couple of Telefunken U67s or 47s, but that's the stuff that home studio dreams are made of. :D

thanks...anyone else?
Well I guess you haven't really mentioned one thing.

What is it about your current setup that you don't like?

Because if the only thing that you don't like about your setup is that you haven't spent an extra 12 thousand on it then give the money to me and I will tell you how great your current setup is.
jkokura said:
There's some obvious places for upgrade, like convertors and I/O capability, Monitors, and adding those 'Money' mics and pres.

Thanks but... I did say what I don't like... maybe not explicitly, but I said that I don't like my convertors, my I/O cpability, my monitors, mics and pres - I guess the correct terminology would be that I like what I've got so far, but I have the capability to spend 12 grand in upgrades over the next three years - why would I not upgrade if I have the money? Wouldn't you?

jkokura said:
I guess the correct terminology would be that I like what I've got so far, but I have the capability to spend 12 grand in upgrades over the next three years - why would I not upgrade if I have the money? Wouldn't you?

Maybe not. After all 12 grand is also what I could spend on something else, like investments, home improvement, education, you know. Maybe I just approach this whole thing differently, as in 'I have this problem, how do I fix it' rather than 'I have this money, quick lets spend it on something'.
Innovations said:
Maybe not. After all 12 grand is also what I could spend on something else, like investments, home improvement, education, you know. Maybe I just approach this whole thing differently, as in 'I have this problem, how do I fix it' rather than 'I have this money, quick lets spend it on something'.

That's fine, but it's how you live your life. You don't know that I'm already finishing my education, investing, paying for insurance and saving for retirement, plus also saving to take my wife to disneyland... beyond all this, I have a little ability with music, and a lot of desire to record, and I want to make the best recordings I can. I've done my research and I know that for what I want to do I can upgrade like I want to, and I have a three year plan to do it... I'm not posting "help me spend 12 grand", I'm posting a "this is my plan...if you have some experience with this stuff, tell me what you think, and if you'd change something, what is it and WHY...
