10 Secrets to Home Recording


New member
Hi everybody!

My name is Brad Gallagher. I'm in the process of querying several music magazines to produce a series of industry related articles. I want to know what you guys are interested in, rather than just cramming a bunch of junk down your throats that you don’t want to read! I'm hoping I can bribe a couple of you.

If you fill out this short survey (it's only four questions) and email it to me, I will send you a copy of a six page report "10 Secrets to Home Recording". Although it’s geared mostly toward beginning to intermediate recording, I have included a few tips that should spark ideas for even the more experienced guys out there

Thanks for your help and keep playin!

PS... I realize that this might fit better in the recording techniques section of the forum, but I felt I would get the most useful results here. Thanks again for all the help, guys!!! :-)

Musician's Short Survey

Please answer these four questions, then cut and paste it into an email and send it to me at <B>brad@just-for-musicians.com</B>

PS. I know some of the formatting may look funky due to this board's formatting. As long as I can tell what your responses are, it doesn't really matter.

1. How long have you been playing music?

2. What is your primary instrument?

3. Of the following, what are your two biggest problems as a musician?

(Check two)
( )Getting people to come to shows
( )Getting publicity
( )Getting into bigger clubs
( )Technology problems (web site, email, etc)
( )Booking shows
( )Dealing with sound (PA)
( )Networking
( )Finding good equipment/good tone
( )Getting organized
( )Affording/getting a good recording

4. If you were reading a musician magazine, what articles would catch your eye and make you want to read more?

(Check two)
( )The Right Track to Home Recording: Major Sound on a Minor Budget

( )The Step by Step Guide to Getting Gigs Like Crazy!

( )What Every Musician Must Know About the Internet and Why You Might be Missing Out.

( )Band Sound Systems: Fix the Weakest Link in Your Show Without Losing Your Money or your Mind

( )Music Merchandising: Discover the Secrets that Could Double your Profits

( )All Day Deals: How to Find the Secret Deals on eBay and Other Online Music Auctions.

( )Instant Forms for Musicians: Contracts, Booking, Press Releases, and More in Just 2 1/2 Minutes... No Writing.

( )Indie Invasion: What the Major Labels Don't Want You to Know

( )Music Promotion on a Budget: Get Heard Without Getting Broke

( )The Incredible One Day Press Kit: A Powerful Promotional Weapon in Less Than 24 Hours

( )The Missing Link: How to Make the Internet Work Your Band

( )The Music Business Insiders Guide: Discover the Secrets of Free Publicity
This is a good thread. Have you thought about setting up a poll which would be easier for busy guys on the go to respond to?


Oh yeah... One more post and yer not a newbie anymore. Go for it.
cerealchamp2000 said:
This is a good thread. Have you thought about setting up a poll which would be easier for busy guys on the go to respond to?
You mean like the cave-dwellers having to actually leave the Dragon Cave for a few minutes????????

Get the fuck outta here!!!!!!!! ;)


:D :D
If I try to make it any easier, I'll probably just screw it up. I have two guys that handle my tech stuff for me and I still manage to screw it up just in the implementation :-)

Anyway, I sent the first batch of reports out. Thanks for being patient. Some of them may have screwy margins. They "pasted" differently depending on the email software used to respond. If anybody has trouble reading the format, just send me an email and we'll figure something out.

Thanks again for all the responses! You guys are great :-)

Brad Gallagher
3. Two biggest problems: Time and Money.

That's kind of like saying "my biggest problem is not always not always having everything I want"... sort of vague.

"Explanations To The Wife About Why You HAVE TO HAVE A $1000/Channel Mic Pre."

Well... I wasn't planning on writing that one, but I aim to please, so here's my top 5 responses:

1. "The glowing power tube is a symbol of my undying love and affection"

2. "Is this really just about the toilet seat thing?"

3. "Sheesh... your mother said you'd love it!"

4. "But honey, it comes with a free set of earrings"

5. "The same reason you need ten pairs of shoes"
SIDENOTE: Prepare to duck flying object when using this one.

That's my top five... to see the rest of the list, you'll have to buy my new book... "Women are from Venus... Men Want More Toys" ($19.95US)

Brad Gallagher
1. How long have you been playing music? 25 years

2. What is your primary instrument? Guitar

3. Of the following, what are your two biggest problems as a musician? Lack of talent and lack of practice.

4. If you were reading a musician magazine, what articles would catch your eye and make you want to read more?

(X)The Right Track to Home Recording: Major Sound on a Minor Budget
1. How long have you been playing music? 23 years

2. What is your primary instrument? Guitar

3. Of the following, what are your two biggest problems as a musician?
(x)Getting organized

4. If you were reading a musician magazine, what articles would catch your eye and make you want to read more?
(x)Indie Invasion: What the Major Labels Don't Want You to Know
(x)Music Promotion on a Budget: Get Heard Without Getting Broke
1. How long have you been playing music? 20 years

2. What is your primary instrument? 5-string bass

3. Of the following, what are your two biggest problems as a musician?

I don't have any problems. Just kiddin'. My problem is that I almost never like the guitar parts I put to bass lines, but everyone else seems to think the guitar parts are great. I know better though. It doesn't matter anyway because no one listens to my mp3's more than one time through.

4. If you were reading a musician magazine, what articles would catch your eye and make you want to read more?

I'd probably just read the whole thing unless it was soundonsound dot com
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1. How long have you been playing music? 18 yrs

2. What is your primary instrument? Guitar

3. Of the following, what are your two biggest problems as a musician? Finding people that are compatible with the same outlook.

4. If you were reading a musician magazine, what articles would catch your eye and make you want to read more?

The Right Track to Home Recording: Major Sound on a Minor Budget.

I just used your post and changed a few things apl. I am a lazy bastard.