1.5 challenge.. I'm new at this stuff


New member
Hey guys, I thought I'd do something "productive" since I was staying up late anywhoo.. Well, I really ain't that great of a guitarist..
and I don't have any stomp boxes.. and I really don't have room to hook my amp up for micing.. (not at 3 AM at least)maybe another day...
But I really wanted to try recording my electric guitar Directly through my mixer and into my PC.. Here's something I whipped up in
about an hour... What can I say..? I was bored! I probably didn't even stay true to the real rhythm or maybe I even got some words wrong..
Main thing was.. I just wanted to try out this DI approach..

Well, here it is in all it's "Glory" (yeah right.. )

"Keep you hands to Yourself"
- It's just a short excerpt from the song... yeah right ... As if I could break it down like the GA Sattelites! PSHT! whatever!


P.S. - Please feel free NOT to comment on the OBVIOUSLY sampled drums which were cut-pasted into my SONAR project..
This is the FIRST time I've EVER messed with Drum samples.. and I'm basicaly rhythmically challenged.

It was good for what it was-I like that raw-square wavey guitar sound-and the vocs seemed to have a bit of distortion on them too-I likey...Though I'm not too crazy about the song-I'd say it was a good rendition. Good job homey!
Thanks Strat. I'm glad that someone listened. I just felt the need to contribute.. even though it may not be as good as say Chriss' stuff.. but Hey.. I tried... I was just testin out the DI approach on my guitar and thought I might make an MP3 for you's guys..


Hey man...Speaking as another who is chronically "rhythmically challenged,' let me just state that I feel your pain. :D :D

Yeah, you probably heard the tempo issues. Honestly, if you hadn't written anything about the sampled drums, I wouldn't have noticed that there WERE drums...LOL. Mixed pretty low, which is probably good if you didn't like them to begin with.

I thought the guit tone was totally appropriate for the tune, and yeah, your vocals were distorting pretty bad...especially at the beginning...Actually, I thought maybe you were doing it for effect...It had that "REVOLUTION" (Beatles) sound to it at the beginning.

Most importantly, I can tell you can sing very well. From your pic in the cave :-)D :D :D) I know that you're not as old as alot of the farts that hang around here, so it'll be cool to hear you develop that voice even more.

2 years ago, I couldn't even record 60 cycle hum. It's fun, isn't it?

CHrIShaRrIS - ÛÑô¥£çþ懢€‡ŒŽµØѱŠ
Thanks Chris.
The drums were pretty low in the mix.. it was basically a cut & paste effort on my part as a last minute thing and I kind of eye-balled teh timing.
Yes the vox were actually Intentionally Distorted. I used an Amp sim to be honest. It was set on Fuzz. It felt appropriate as well. I appreciate your comment about the voice. That's nice of you to say. I like your songs alot and your vocals have alot to do with it. I hope to get some better stuff up here but taht was basically just an experiment. I'll try to do some Amp micing for my next tune. If I ever post it.. hehe.. a one man band with no bass guitar or drums is pretty hard.

Dude...the intro sounded good but....

Needed bass and a beat of some kind.

Not to be too critical, just honest.

Keep it up, recording is loads of fun.
Thanks to you too jake.. I appreciate the feedback.
I just put up a mix with more kick drum (or my BS sample of one) ...
If I had a bass guitar I'd put a bass line on alot more stuff.. also if I could play the keys I'd put some synth in at least.. but that will come later.


Thanks B. I really appreciate that.. I'm going to be working on that alot soon.. but Thank you very much for the comment.

hey dude, sorry so late in checking your stuff out. i'm gonna pass on commenting on this cause it's a cover that i've already heard and last time i commented on a cover it got ugly soooo

instead i'll just tell you that i really enjoyed 'coney island baby'. anyone with the balls to post acapella.....well has balls.

if you wrote that song, goddamn you have a bright future ahead of you. if you didn't you still have a bright future ahead. either way i liked the song alot and your performance was very good!

check you out later.
Thanks eric, I digged your acappella tune. I know that to be taken seriously the tune really has to rock so cudos to you! I'll try to get some more acappella on my site before too long. unfortunately teh Bass in my group is moving out of state after this spring semester... that means that we no longer have a perfect-pitch bass.. it's gonna hurt us... well, thanks for listening and I dig ur stuff.. L8R

hehehehehehe...the cover concept is the only thing that saved this trainwreck.B+ for effort,A+ for balls ta post.
yeah the drums are screwed up but the vocal sounds great a bit too much distortion maybe??.....lol...but for what it is pretty decent job...you were sweatin werent you??....come on you can tell me.....lmao..

WISC, you're not kidding, LOL.

Jamal, yeah.. I was pretty worried about how much shit I would get for posting such an excuse for a conver INTRO of a song.. well I guess my 2 verse attempt was just about 2 db off center... BUT Like I said it was really just a test for DI'ing my guitar. I guess the distortion was a bit much on the vox.. but I felt that ass the song went into the verse a lil bit more it kind of meshed alright.. but I was kind of looking for that grunge sound.. the 80's screaming and making the mic clip kind of motif. But A. my mic did not clip and B. I used a fairly cheap Dynamic and a pop screen. So alas, no intentional mic abuse here.

Thanks all of you for sparing your time to listen. I will really try to learn some real digital drum software and get a real tune out there. I've got a few ideas that I've been dying to record but I don't really think that I have the chops to track it all.. We'll see. I'm not going anywhere.. I'm really just an engineer at heart..
