1/4" patchbay's and phantom power


New member
I have heard patching with phantom power on is not good for the phantom power supply and the preamps on the console and can eventually lead to failure.

How bad is this really for you pre's and has anyone had experience with increased noise in the pre's from this or complete failure?
It isn't a good idea!!

When your plugin in to the patch bay you will hit ground <I think that's how it goes> and with phantom that's bad.

This is just a simple answer though. Google it up ... for the truth is out there!
I thought that it wasn't a good idea, which is why I always turn off phantom power first. I think that you end up shorting the +48v to ground (just like you said), which is bad for the supply and preamp since it can send that 48v to the preamp while most pre's can only take up to 10v without clipping.