03D questions


New member
Hey, I picked up an 03D yesterday, but trying to figure a few things out.

1. The mini-DIN "to host" out. Nowhere is the manual does it specify where to plug into the computer. I googled a bit and am assuming its designed to go to DIN to serial connector, but not 100% sure. (or can it terminate on a USB plug?) I couldn't find any 8-pin DIN cables, so will need to order the right one.

2. The serial mouse (try find one of those!) port. After searching for cables, the best I could find was a serial to USB cable. But this did not work! Any ideas for why? I think some "convertors" are only changing the pinout and not the protocol.

3. The spdif only works up to 20bit in and out. So I am not using the spdif out, rather sticking to going digital straight from my pre to Saffire. But I was thinking about using the digital in. Would this cause problems in Cubase? Having a recording track at 24 bit and a playback track at 20bit.

4. I set it up to work as a control surface in cubase, which was really quick! (compared to months trying to get nanokontrol to work) Problem here is, it is not only acting as controller when in "midi remote" setting. So how do i stop it when i want it independent of remote while tracking?

5. While setting it as a controller up in cubase was simple, I cannot get it to work properly with reason. Any suggstions? (or better yet, .remote or midicodec files...)

6. Since i will be using spdif in and out from the dbx pre and 03D respectively, is there any need for a seperate wordclock?

7. How the hell do you rackmount it??? I saw on old ads, that it was marketed as rackmountable. I checked out the RK1 ears on Thomman, to see if i could modify some of my rack ears. But i can't see how they attach without making new holes.

OK...Thats it for now. But I am sure I will have more questions. I have not actually routed any audio through it yet, as I have sessions this week and don't want to tear my rig apart and learn the interface while ppl are paying.