003 + ADA8000 problem

Hollywood Ant

New member
I'll try to explain this the best I can. I have the ADA8000 going into the 003 Rack and whenever I have an ADAT(ada8000) channel selected as the interface for recording, I am getting a constant popping/clicking sound about every second or 2. I can't figure out what is going wrong here. Would appreciate any help. Sorry if this isn't clear, but I'll be happy to clarify. Thanks in advance.
Do you have both the input and output optical (ADAT) cables connected between the two units?

Is the ADA8000 set on the back to lock to the incoming ADAT signal as it's clock source?
I feel like a damn noob...I only had one cable connected. just going out from adat to 003 in. I thought you only needed one optical cable.
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I use an ADA8000 with a MOTU 828MKII, I actually only use the one ADAT cable the same way that you have yours hooked up now, BUT, I also have a wordclock cable connecting the two units, and the ADA is in slave mode using the wordclock out from the 828 as it's master clock.

I'm not sure if the 003 has wordclock out, but it really doesn't matter, it's probably less expensive to just get a second ADAT cable and set the ADA to slave to the incoming ADAT signal, you shouldn't have to actually route any audio out of the ADA, when the cable is hooked up the ADA should "see" a valid signal to clock of off anyway.
