You're all invited to a big party called Jamfest Aug 11/12/13 2006


Taking the slow road
see the threads in the cave for more info, it's in CT and it happens every year and everyone is cool and we jam and eat and jam and drink and jam and sleep and jam and camp or motel and jam or just listen and jam and talk or just hang out and jam and clean up and leave.

then we listen to the jam for a year and wish the next one was tomorrow.

don't miss it, you never know when it may move or skip a year or have different cool people or the world may end or gas may be $10 a gal and you can't get to the next one. go to jamfest 06 - do it. :)
I put the leave form in today. Good to go. I am driving up. QQ, where's my carpool at?
Less than a month for anyone who needs more pressure.....................

make your plans now......or drop in at the drop of....... whatever...

your choice,... but get there...........

you will remember it for a very long time......
