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    Crowd chant effect

    Hi everyone. I'm looking to create the sound of a crowd chanting a name in a song I'm making. Is there any type of plug in or effect that could accomplish this? Specifically, you can hear what I'm looking for if you listen to Mike Jones song "mr jones". There is a crowd chanting his name at the...
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    clipping used as limiting

    So I'm reading a guide to mixing I bought from computer music magazine, and it briefly mentions a technique some people use for limiting. It says, "there will be some people who like to clip the levels, as this acts as a form of hard limiting, and that increases the energy of the sounds" Then...
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    buying first mic, need some tips

    I'm going to be doing a lot of research and reading up on it as well, but I just thought I'd get a thread going in here too so I can get as much info as I can. I'm buying my first mic, that I'll mainly be using for hip hop vocals, and some singing. I record in a small room, something like 11 x...
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    Snoop Dogg Parody song, need tips on electronic voice

    Hey everyone, hopefully this question isn't too vague. I'm working on a parody of Snoop Dogg's "Who am i", and I'm relatively new to recording. (this would be my second song ever). I need to know how they do the electronic voice at the beginning of the song, and at 1:55, ("bow wow wow yippie...
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    are my mic levels too low?

    Hi everyone. I just attempted my first recording, (some hip hop vocals for a friend of mine). Im not sure how well it went yet, I'm a little concerned that the gain was too low on the mic, but I'm too inexperienced to tell. I read that the input level should be set somewhere between -12 and...
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    Need help hearing playback in cubase.

    Hi everyone, I hope someone here can help. I have a total newbie question. I'm trying to do a test recording in cubase for the first time, and I see an input, but I hear nothing when It try playing it back. I have an RME babyface interface, and I have just one mic plugged into an input, and...
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    Need some tips on my first recording

    Hi all, just created an account here to get some tips for my first recording ever. I've never done any recording or mixing, but I have a project I want to do, and I'd like to do it right if possible. I'm making a parody of Dr. Dre's "Still Dre", and I'd like some tips from those of you who...