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  1. L

    Engineer's tech list ???

    Is there anyway of getting a list of the mics and preamps and gear used for let's say an old Crosby Stills Nash Young recording. Do we have access to such a list? How can I get my hands on it and what is this list actually called?
  2. L

    Recording tracks with effects...

    Example#1: I want to record a vocal track applying compression into the wave file while the track is recording. Example#2: Record real drums while applying noise gates same thing. I'm running Cool edit pro 2.0 with a Delta 1010 sound card and the mixer is a behringer ub2442 pro just want to...
  3. L

    Copy and Past in Multitack of CEP 2

    I want to select a section within 5 tracks, copy and past it to the end of the song. I know how to select multiple tracks... it's the copying of the selection of multiple tracks that I can't seem to do. Does anyone know how to do this? this is for Cool Edit Pro 2.0
  4. L

    CSNY Engineer Cloning

    I want my recording sound to be like Crosby Stills Nash & Young's acoustic recordings... i.e.: Simple Man, 4+20, Helplessly Hoping, (there version of) Blackbird... kind of sound. Does anyone know what mics and what pre's were used for these recordings? And what would be the closest thing to it...