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  1. S

    Silent Speakers, Dummy Loads, Thiele-Small Parameters...

    Hi again, I'm sure your all know about reactive loads and silent recording (THD hot plate, Marshall Power Soak, Weber Mass, etc.) I'm sure you've also heard of master Randall Aiken ( and his reactive load design (there are actually two design proposals on his web site...
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    Low-Z to High-Z impedance conversion,reamping

    Hi, I'd like to re-amp dry guitar tracks through an amp, and I need to raise the impedance of my sound card's output to a guitar-like impedance (8-10k Ohms). My sound card is an Omnistudio, and I can't figure out the output impedance of the line outs. Do any of you have an idea about how to...
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    how to record and mix 16 tracks? which audio interface?

    Hi folks, I need the help of the experts, and a rather quick answer ( If it's possible) A friend of mine who's been recording analog for years wants to set up a DAW, because his tape machine went down this week end. He's got a few projects running out of date, and he needs to be up and running...
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    question about convol reverb

    hi folks, I came across posts on various forums claiming that some dude figured out how to convert alti verb ir's to standard pc pcm files, to use them with this super impuls rverb thingy. I was just wondering if any of you had any useful info. cheers.
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    PCI firewire hub: what latency?

    Hi, I have an ABIT KT133 and I want to invest in a firewire audio interface for the future, and the only choice I have is to update my puter with a PCI firewire extension board, because the KT133 does not have it built in. Will I have the same latency (for instance with the forthcoming M-Audio...
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    direct box advice needed here!

    Hi, I'd like to use the behringer DI Ultra-G to feed the signal that comes out of my fender blues deluxe combo directly into my delta 44. I want to know if I can disconnect the 12" speaker and replace it with the DI box. (wich would make my amp silent, that's my point) I read in the manual...
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    free impulses for convol. reverb?

    Hi, do you know if there's a place we can DL free impulse responses for soft convolvers?
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    routing midi output form drumagog to drum VSTi in cubase?

    Hi folks, I know it may not be the best place for a post like this but it's still drums oriented stuff so... Would any of you have a positive exerience using the midi output of drumagog to trigger a software drum sampler (Battery or other) directly whitin the sequencer software (cubase, logic...
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    question to slack about converters!

    after the nice post on bit depth and dynamic range, I just have a question about converters: -which ones are the best? what board would you go for, just by reading the tech specs, between those two: -delta 44 /delta 66 -egosys waveterminal 192X/192M and to conclude, your opinion on 88.2 vs 96...
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    line6 dsp

    actually my thought was that it may be possible to emulate this on a pc, in the same way that Nintendo or sega game boxes are, and to see if the emulation of a pod or DM4 would consume more cycles than a revalver instance.
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    a techie question on line6 products

    hi, can anyone tell me what DSP chip and AD/DA converters are used in line6 's product line? I'd like to know how much "horse power" we've got in there, just to make a comparison between the complexity of the computations performed by the, say DM4 ou LM4 stom boxes modelers from line6 and...
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    chino moreno's vocal mix: how to get close?

    Hi people, happy new year and stuff! (I haven't posted anything for ages here) I'd like to process the vocals on a tune to get close to what your can hear on "Change (In the house of flies)" on the deftones latest opus. In your opinion how many vocal layers are there, what sort of FX did they...
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    sennheiser evolution series?

    hi, I can get a sennheiser E855 for two thirds of its retails price, with the warranty, gig bag and stuff. the guy who sells this mic told me it was senn's top of the line dynamic mic, and that it had a very large spectrum, up to 18KHz he said. so my question is, do you think this would be...
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    to math geeks: digital filtering, linear phase, etc...

    This post is in response to the previous post on "religious experience with wave linear phase EQ" Here are some links of great interest for those in quest of explanations on the algorithms and math behind digital filtering, linear phase, comb, etc.
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    take a look at these guitars! this man is french and makes tailored guitars, I think some of them look good, some other don't, but they all sound good, I went to see this guy and had a go with 3 different guitars of his collection. I'd love to have one of them. Maybe the...
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    waveArts TrackPlug : how does it sound?

    Hi, I'm wondering if it is worth it to use the new Trackplug, wich seem to be an all-in-one track plugin, it does EQ-gating-compression, or if it is better to stick with Cubase track EQ and use another plugin for gating-compression? The all in one approach seems to yield better sound as all...
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    bal/unbal connection explanations needed

    I need to record my V-amp2 through the card, and the manual says that its stereo output supports both balanced and unbalanced wiring. so my questions are: -what is the standard line out level of a balanced output? +4dBv or -10dBv? or can it be both? -what is the standard level of an...
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    tip:shielding a v-amp

    to all those home-recorders complaining about the v-amp being noisy, to all those dudes laying down their guitar track while sitting in front of the CRT, here is a tip you could use to lower the amount of interference the V-amp catches: -get a cardoard box slightly bigger thant the v-amp in...
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    new SBLive KX WDM v21 drivers out!

    new KX are out, version 21beta. has anyone tried them out yet? Is it worth it for latency improvement over the standard Win2K built in WDM drivers?
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    The Coolest Strat Single Coil Wiring Ever

    here is the schema....