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  1. P

    let me see if I've got this straight...

    I have two drum machines, one using the clock of the other, and a nord lead ii, and a midi interface, trying to record into my Reason I have the idae that I need: a. sound modules (your drum machines, synthesizers, whatnot, etc.), b. midi thing to act as trigger, c. a midi interface to get the...
  2. P

    What Is The Most User-friendly...

    Midi-computer Interface Along With What Sequencing Program, Ex. Acid, Cubase, Reason Type Thing - It Seems None Are All Inclusive Having Both Interface Hardware, And Software, Bundled, In Same Package, So With Two Arrays I've Tried, The Connection Never Seems To Click
  3. P

    To Record Onto Computer

    what recommendations can anyone give me. Let's say for the sake of ease, that I have a keyboard and a couple drum modules, and I have my eye on a Kaoss 2 pad I want to get the sounds into my computer to sequence them in some sort of computer program. How do I do that? What do I need to buy?
  4. P

    Digidesign M-Box

    any reviews on this product? I want to get an audio interface to record drum loop tracks and keyboards into sequencing software the plus of the M-Box is that it comes bundled with Pro-Tools, right? I mean, a friend says Pro-Tools is 'industry standard' But how does it compare to any of the other...
  5. P

    help a newbie

    here's my gear: Nord Lead II Alesis SR-16 Korg Electribe drum module guitar, audio ins, etc. Acid 4, Cubase Well I bought my Alesis when they were new so I've had it forever (surprised they still sell them but it's a pretty solid, simple little piece). I used to use it for fills and beats...