Search results

  1. S

    small/flat mics for miking guitar cabs live?

    hi guys, i'm looking for a couple of fairly inexpensive mics to mic my cabs up in my live wet/dry/wet guitar rig. i'd like the mics to be flat, and as small as possible, so that i can tape them onto the front of the wet cabs in such a way as they dont stick out much. this way i can feed the...
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    eventide eclipse expression pedal - cant find one :(

    hi guys! i have an eventide eclipse and i've been trying to find an expression pedal that works with it. I've tried a few - the last being a yamaha fc7, but no luck - nearly all the sweep is in the first few degrees of movement of the pedal. This is despite the fact it seems to meet the...
  3. S

    can you mod a volume pedal to 10k?

    Hi all, I bought an Ernie Ball volume pedal (25k log. pot) to use as an expression pedal on my eventide eclipse which i've now found out needs a linear pot of between 5k and 20k. On the ernie ball site it says pedal pots should not be modded - but manufacturers always say things like that...
  4. S

    can you run nuendo minimized?

    hi, i have nuendo (=cubase) and use the ivory piano sampler in it. I would like to buy digital sheet music that I can open up in cubase and read while i play the piano sampler. Sheet music that comes in pdf format I can't use, because I can't look at the pdf screen and run ivory through nuendo...
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    firewire playing up - please advise!

    hi yall, i have a dell laptop which i connect to an rme fireface (audio interface) via firewire 400. I have noticed that the connection is unstable - if I move the lead around a bit (at the laptop end), the connection drops, which almost ruined my last gig - in particular, if i push the lead up...
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    Mesa rectoverb or budda from US - will it work in UK or need transformer?

    Guys, I was looking at maybe picking up a mesa rectoverb or budda superdrive off ebay in US, but I'm in UK. Does anyone know if these amps will need a transformer? I saw a post saying that mesa are switchable by internal jumper, but I've just called Mesa and they say that's not true for the...
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    usb latency problem - any ideas?

    hi guys, i'm having a couple of problems... i have a remote sl 61 controller. when i connect it to my laptop directly via usb, and use it to control soft synths in nuendo, i find that i have to turn the buffer size right up from 96 to 512 to stop pops/noises... however when I connect to to my...
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    usb latency problem - any ideas?

    hi guys, i have a remote sl keyboard that if i connect to my laptop
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    cubase/nuendo realtime effects problem - urgent, please help!

    hi guys, I can't get insert or send effects to work (nuendo v.3.2) - I've tried everything I can find in the manual help. Here is what I'm trying to do (detailed and simple versions of what I need): DETAILED DESCRIPTION: I have some backing tracks and I want to create an audio track and use...
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    sr-16 user kits - any suggestions?

    hi, I recently got the sr-16 drum machine, and am trying to create a nicee rock n roll user kit, but there's so many choices and options that I'm findin it very difficult. Does anyone know if there are suggested user kits available anywhere on the web, or does anyone have any they are willing to...