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  1. O

    What Difference Does It Make?

    This is something Ive put alot of thought into the past few years. Im interested to hear your folks opinion on the matter. Let me tell you my story: Ive been playing in a few different bands for well over 10 years now. It always started out in good fun, but at some point everyone decided that...
  2. O

    3rd party VSTs arent showing up when I add them..

    So, im trying to add VSTs to my DAW for the first time. I found this video online -> Mixcraft 6 Mini-Tip: Installing Third Party VST Effects For Use With Mixcraft - YouTube I followed all the steps to a T, But after ive added the VST folder and click ok, the new plugins arent in my VST library...
  3. O

    Mix playback starting to skip..

    Hello, Ive been lurking this forum for a little while now.. 1st post, I couldnt find the answer I was looking for so I thought Id ask... I recently bought a new PC to handle mixing bigger projects. Im up to almost 50 tracks on this one, and the playback is starting to skip in some of the...