Grooming habits

Seeker of Rock

Let’s Go Brandon!
Serious subject but let’s hope this is still appropriate in an OT forum.

I’m a male who is attracted to females and all beautiful parts of their bodies. Check.

Circa early ‘80s the female grooming style down there was a bikini line shave. Makes sense and this was good

Later ‘80s saw some upper shaping and styling and thinning and again, this was good. Late ‘80s to early or mid ‘90s drastic shaving by non-dancer girls began because most strippers were shaved or waxed bare for the most part.

Late ‘90s and definitely into the 2000’s, most non-strippers began shaving or waxing totally bare. It was hot for a bit when my ex wife did it but then the novelty kind of wore off, for me anyway.

Now, even 60 year old women with drooping labias shave ever part of themselves below the waistline.

Maybe I’ve just lost my drive for extremely younger women, but it almost seems perverse, the whole fully shaved privates presentation of women today.

IDK, I’m just posting to see how far the ‘inappropriate mod hammer’ reaches. I’ve used no derogatory slang in this thread and I am a little curious but more just wondering if I’m the only one in this forum that is a little I attracted to older women shaving to seemingly look like little girls.

What was once a cad has now grown old, figuratively speaking.

What is your preference on lady grooming?
How many naked women do you really have to deal with at this stage of your life? :D
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I thought it was a typo. I thought he was "Seeking" something that rhymes with "Rock".

(Just kidding. It was a joke that had to be made). :D
I thought it was a typo. I thought he was "Seeking" something that rhymes with "Rock".

(Just kidding. It was a joke that had to be made). :D
Seriously, where do all those socks go missing to?
It’s baffled me my whole life. I’m still seeking them.
Seriously, where do all those socks go missing to?
It’s baffled me my whole life. I’m still seeking them.
Grapes too. You ever drop a grape and find it? I have never, ever found a grape after dropping it. They instantly disappear. You can be in an empty room, with no furniture, you're not finding that grape.

I think the grapes and the socks get together, have sex, and make all those extra Tupperware tops that you can't find the container for.
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Seriously, where do all those socks go missing to?
It’s baffled me my whole life. I’m still seeking them.

Where ever they are - you're likely to find all your missing guitar picks in the same place.
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