Recent content by robert jaybird

  1. R

    Desert island large diaphram condencer for under 1g.

    For the sake of sport lets slide into tunnel vision here. Lets assume were going away on a special trip, on this trip to a secluded island we'll only be able to bring one large diaphram condencer microphone, and it has to cost less than $1,000 us. Now on this trip while well be limited to one...
  2. R

    presonus bluetube or meek vcq-3

    Hi, I'm looking for a somewhat cheap preamp to use with my daw.The 2 products that i can afford currently are the meek vcq-3 and presonus bluetube. I know these 2 units are a bit apples and oranges.I guess that wich is "better" is a matter of taste.And I'm also aware that both units will bring...
  3. R

    pod vs. j-station vs. yamaha dg-definitive thread

    i own the first i didnt like it, but after i played with it awhile ive found it to be extremely useful. so beyond the little features what sounds "work" off your guys little pedals... for instance ive been told that the j-station only sounded good for heavy metal type sounds-is this...
  4. R

    synths:gr-33 vs. axion

    hey forum, im just curious if anybody has used axions guitar synth/pickiup or rolands new gr-33 setup? most important is for me to find out wich one thracks better. is the axion worg the extra money or is the gr-33 a big improvement? wich pickup is bette4r axions, or the roland?
  5. R

    amp modelers vs. the tubes

    there is only one reason i post this.after hearing all this hype about the pod, or the j-station.personally i appreciate the versatality of these only qualm is the hype that musicians actually buy.for the record anyone that says theyre pod sounds better than a matchless or a good mesa...
  6. R

    spacey tones, funky pedals, and idiosyncratic stomp boxs

    Okay guys and gals. weve all heard of the ada flanger,or the tube screamer right?I want to know what you guys use to get those dirty shimmering ethereal sounds from your axe.Im talkin' vintage,pawnshop, or boutique effex. im talking abusing equipment in ways it was never talkin about...
  7. R

    my axe is trashed!

    The otherday i was digging through the depths of my my closet and lo and behold there it was:my first axe!!sadly it got put in that closet and stayed there for years due to constant use and abuse in adolescence.its a b.c. rich platinum series worlock with a strat shaped body. -Ok, first the...