Recent content by grimtraveller

  1. grimtraveller

    If you're whistling on a recording, please turn in your mics & headphones...

    And "Two of us."
  2. grimtraveller

    If you're whistling on a recording, please turn in your mics & headphones...

    I've whistled on a few of my songs. They came out really well. My mouth got a bit dry on occasion, though.
  3. grimtraveller

    Who still mixes with a console?

    Ok, here is one kerrrrr-AYY-zeeeee story ! :geek:
  4. grimtraveller

    New room, mirrored wall behind desk; how much trouble is this likely to cause?

    I know what you mean. Although I did some recording in July and August {including a friend of mine on vocals while I was in Minnesota in August}, it's only this month that I've gotten back into it and am now on a roll.
  5. grimtraveller

    Recording my DIY mellotron : Any Advices?

    Just reading that, it sounds like great fun.
  6. grimtraveller

    Mixing: how long before your ears start lying to you?

    That's an interesting question. I don't mix loud. I read years ago from Harvey Gerst and others that one way around having an untreated room impinge on what you hear was to mix at low volumes. I also remember Gekko zzed many years ago sharing that things like furniture and bookshelves could make...
  7. grimtraveller

    Recording my DIY mellotron : Any Advices?

    That's what I was thinking as I read. A mic. Oh, and learn to play sharps and flats on that tin whistle, even if only for when you record your sample. You want a confident, smooth-toned recording. It does, and I trust you will have lots of it, even where there are frustrating or challenging...
  8. grimtraveller

    Recording my DIY mellotron : Any Advices?

    Always beware of opinions being so elevated that they completely crowds out those that have their own reasons for having a different one. It's something I notice a lot {and have done for years} in people who champion modern technology. One of the great complaints that DIY-ers have with the way a...
  9. grimtraveller

    What acoustic guitar recordings, or records that feature acoustic guitar, have what you consider great world class acoustic tone?

    I clearly have cloth ears because for me, that has just never been a 'thing'. For me, an acoustic guitar sounds acoustic guitar. Yes, they are recorded in a variety of different ways and yes, there are many different makes and other variables out there. But to me they all sound like...
  10. grimtraveller

    adjusting levels of other musicians in your headphones

    I've played in the past with a couple of guys who were so loud, I could never hear what I was playing and literally went by feel. They were some of my best playing and recording ! But I hated it while we were actually doing it. For years now, I don't bother to have the drums in the phones because
  11. grimtraveller

    Avoiding synthy strings

    Sometimes, if I'm doing a string section, I'll record each instrument individually. Yes, it's tiresome. Yes, it can take ages. But so does a drive to Scotland from England yet when you get there, the joy of the time you'll spend in Scotland far outweighs the drudgery of the lengthy drive. In the...
  12. grimtraveller

    New room, mirrored wall behind desk; how much trouble is this likely to cause?

    Hey ! I remember you well. You were one of the major contributors when I landed here in 2009. Always enjoyed your contribution and if I remember rightly, you had a guitar with 7 strings. Or maybe I imagined it. I know someone played a 7-string guitar.
  13. grimtraveller

    Guitar 'truths" that you believe are myths

    Aston Barrett from Bob Marley's band had 41 kids......IVF was not involved !
  14. grimtraveller

    Guitar 'truths" that you believe are myths

    You get what you pay for.
  15. grimtraveller

    Guitar 'truths" that you believe are myths

    Tell that to Lemmy, Paul McCartney, Sting, Bill Wyman, Gene Simmons, Glen Cornick, Tom Hamilton, Noel Redding, John Entwistle, Phil Lynott...... It's not even a myth anymore ! :sneaky: