Recent content by frank1985

  1. F

    "Hear the Call"

    You've done a great job programming them. I had SD for a while but tbh i struggled to process the more raw samples (in Fields of Rock especially) I reverted back to EZD which is mostly just setting levels and minor EQ. Maybe i'll go back and revisit SD at some point once i get better at mixing
  2. F

    Pink Room - Remixed (Again)

    Thanks mark!
  3. F

    "Hear the Call"

    Absolutely rockin', enjoyed that. Are those real drums?
  4. F

    Heart Aches and Rattle Snakes -Final- New Mix and Master

    Great audio fidelity - mix sounds nice and wide .... enjoyed the song too :)
  5. F

    New song: Force 10 From Nantgarw

    Has that nostalgic Stone Roses vibe about it....was that what you were going for? It has that early 90s manchester sound anyhow Loved it but frequency wise needs more bass, and 'warmth'..... it's quite sizzling. Or could just be my headphones....maybe someone else can verify. Great song.
  6. F

    Pink Room - Remixed (Again)

    remixed :)
  7. F

    Pink Room - Remixed (Again)

    From the Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me soundtrack. It was quite hard trying to replicate what is essentially a live jam.... I played the drum parts in by hand (ez drummer Big Rock Drums kit) to try and humanize them a appreciated
  8. F

    Custom pc build. Thoughts on these specs?

    What do you guys think of these specs? I'm looking to make it as future proof as I can within my budget of £1-1.3k. I'm running omnisphere, kontakt libraries, orchestral templates, plus the Adobe editing suite. Overkill perhaps? What would you change to...
  9. F

    Mics for Gongs, Tibetan Bowls, Rainsticks, Shamanic Drums...

    What mics have a nice low frequency response but aren't too harsh in the highs, that would respond well to the aforementioned 'ethnic' instruments? The only mic I currently own is a rode nt1a - it's probably sufficient but I feel it's best suited for vocals and acoustic guitars? Budget between...
  10. F


    You're absolutely doesn't go anywhere does it. Think I'll go back and add more melodies over the top as it progresses
  11. F


    Ok I wasn't really able to mix this properly due to CPU usage, so i may need to go back and 'print' some tracks with the fx added. I'd still appreciate some feedback on the mix thus far though.
  12. F

    "Crimson Rain"

    Thanks rfr, yeah what the hell. I did enjoy laying down the vocal tracks for this. Tool...not really an influence for this particular track...was going for more a geordie walker wall of sound type effect actually. Incidentally, I'm seeing Tool play at a festival in Norway this June... I don't...
  13. F

    Indian Dream (remastered)

    High fidelity recording, really up close and intimate. great playing also
  14. F


    Everything sounds good mix wise, but a bit vanilla...
  15. F

    The Flying Dutchman

    Ah yes, this is my jam. I listened to the whole thing. My suggestions would be to dial back the bass a bit and maybe add a bit more clarity to the vox. Also after the (very good) solo, I feel it falls a bit flat...I would actually play the track out with the solo, end it on a high note.