Recent content by ccarnucci

  1. C

    I just can't balance this mix

    Thanks for the help. Ya all. Ill try it out.
  2. C

    I just can't balance this mix

    I have been trying to mix this pic for months now, and I just can't seem to figure it out. To me it just sounds harsh. Can anyone help me pinpoint what is going wrong here?
  3. C

    New Christmas Song Review Please

    Hey all, Merry Christmas. Here's a little song I put together for the holidays. I was hoping to get a little feedback from the song writing angle. I feel like I'm doing OK there, but it's always good to get others opinions. (after all I'm kinda biased) :)...
  4. C

    Rainy Days...Any thoughts?

    Here is a little song I wrote called Rainy Days. I'm hoping mostly for thoughts on the songwriting side. But I'll take any...And don't be afraid to be honest. My skin is thick. :) Thanks!