Recent content by Asuka98

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    Drum Mixing Feedback

    So, this is my first time recording drums. Be merciful. :-) Style should be rock, but not super heavy rock. Maybe folk rock. Here is a test file: It took me about two hours to set up the mics, and I just ripped these out to practice mixing...
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    Problems Posting

    I've tried to post three times here today, and each time I get a blank screen for reply and the post doesn't show up. I'm trying this one (a different post) to see if it works. What gives?
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    Mic Recommendation

    After reading through old posts, I have a question about which mics to buy, but I know it's a touchy subject. I hope I don't open up old wounds. I have about $400 or so to spend on some condenser mics. I know that isn't much. I have a whole slew of dynamic mics, but I'm starting a project in...