Recent content by assman

  1. assman

    Tascam 688 EQ repair

    Alright, so I opened up the Tascam and removed channels 1 and 2 and lo and behold I spotted that there were indeed some loose solder joints on the problematic pots... Soldered them and then closed the machine back up again. Channel 1 somewhat works a bit better, but there still is a bit of the...
  2. assman

    Tascam 688 EQ repair

    Thanks for helping me troubleshoot this sweetbeats! (Also, my bad I kept saying ''faders'' when referring to the pots) I will have to open it up once again when I got time. I'm guessing I'll probably have to remove the channel to inspect the pots' solder joints... I actually used one of your...
  3. assman

    Tascam 688 EQ repair

    I hope this shows a bit better what I was trying to explain... Basically the problem is on channel 1's low EQ fader and channel 2's high EQ fader. It's like the low fader on channel 1 doesn't even affect the bass at all, playing with it only seems to affect the track's treble and highs. And on...
  4. assman

    Tascam 688 EQ repair

    Good to know, I'll get some proper DeoxIT F5 just to be safe. But yeah I didn't have the courage to venture too much in the machine and pull out the channel's PBCs, in fear of messing something up... And yes I will be posting a video as soon as I can!
  5. assman

    Tascam 688 EQ repair

    It's actually not even the Deoxit brand, I'm using Asalco Contact 2000
  6. assman

    Tascam 688 EQ repair

    I've been having some issues with my tascam 688, more specifically with two channels (1 and 2). There's a problem with the EQ section of these two channels, it seems that whenever I play back audio that was recorded on channels 1 and 2, and I play around with the EQ knobs of channel 1 and 2...
  7. assman

    Post Your Analog Recordings Here...

    very unperfect cover of New Tea by Mike Hurley recorded on cassette
  8. assman

    How is hybrid recording generally done?

    I record one track at a time on my four-track. Once I'm done recording the song and I want to add more tracks, I transfer the ''song'' (the four tracks) onto my computer using a rudimentary DAW and Audacity. Once it's on Audacity, I check the levels, see if it's fine, once it's good, I transfer...
  9. assman

    Is it our duty as songwriters to not talk about ''people'' in our songs?

    Thanks everyone for the replies, it's very insightful. It actually helped me revisualize what kind of lyrics/melodies I would like to write for the future. u guys r rly cool on this forum. But yeah it's just a topic that I've been interested in talking about for as long as I can remember, i've...
  10. assman

    Post Your Analog Recordings Here... recorded entirely on Yamaha MT-400, I think it's starting to make all my instruments sound out of tune...
  11. assman

    Is it our duty as songwriters to not talk about ''people'' in our songs?
  12. assman

    Is it our duty as songwriters to not talk about ''people'' in our songs?

    And oh no! I may have not made it clear. But you described exactly what the music is in that sentence. It really is punk lyrics, but combined with a rather ironic melody (that tries to genuinely be like 60's garage rock. Which, you know what? I would love to think that garage rock sort of is...
  13. assman

    Is it our duty as songwriters to not talk about ''people'' in our songs?

    Well thank you! that reassures me. I'm sort of living a paranoid life right now. I've lost all (not really all, i'm still cool, i like to think) self-confidence. At 23! Could you imagine something like that? All the years of personality traits are mangled and confused. Losing sleep over it too...
  14. assman

    Is it our duty as songwriters to not talk about ''people'' in our songs?

    Oh Christ, look at me ramble, don't look at this last post, it's cringy!\!!!!
  15. assman

    Is it our duty as songwriters to not talk about ''people'' in our songs?

    Grim, not going to lie, that post calmed me down. I can't seem to relax lately. I just feel like some people lack COMMON SENSE. (which is sort a term that comes from the British people, right? I am from Quebec, and have some deep irish roots.. maybe the irish anger transcends through genetics...