Okay I don't know how to edit video I just record on my phone I have another oneI had hoped somebody else would be up before me, but clearly not.
First thing is a simple one. If you want an opinion, why did you put zero effort into the recording? It starts with a load of wind noise. This could have been edited out, but you didn't bother. I suspect there's nothing wrong with your voice, but it's very difficult to say with an a Capella melody that wanders across a few keys, goes Major and minor in places and is not really SUNG, just sung.
You are not bad, but the recording is uncontrolled and without any purpose. Plenty of people have worse voices and are very successful. One of my students from twenty years ago was a rotten singer, and he now makes a living from ....... singing! He worked and worked and got there. what we need to know is the technical stuff. If you sang that to a Billy Joel karaoke track, would you be on the notes, or miss them - would your rhythm hit or miss the key timing of the song
There is also a remote chance you are a decent singer, deliberately posting a poor recording to see what happens?
I know I'm bad, but do I have a chance? Strange title. I don't think you are bad. You have a chance ...... possibly? We are used to all kinds of singing. Some people are perfectly in tune, have good rhythm and a totally unmemorable voice. That might be a positive for BVs. Others have character voices but no aural skills, so a great voice that defeats even autotune.
Post us something you have tried harder on. Not something recorded outside on your phone with no track.If you put a bit of effort into the recording, you will find people more willing to tell you what they think.
Thanks I can probably use my dad's computer if he allows me to (I'm 24 but live at home) and I will look for a interface what U are hearing is me singing for maybe the first time in my life lol I'm getting a vocal coachHi, not sure how you were able to afford your phone, but with a little effort, you can start to build a nice little recording setup.
Get a second hand computer. They are selling computers (laptop) about 5+ years old for pennies on the dollar. You could probably pick a decent one up for $50 or less. Lot of people will give it to you just to get it out of their house. Get an audio interface, once again, these things have been out there long enough that one on Facebook or Goodwill, probably could pick one up $10-20. There has been little improvement to audio interfaces in the last 10+ years. So, chances are, if it is one of the main brands, it will get you what you need. Two channel is fine.
Learn. You sound young enough you have the energy to learn this. I have to say this, but recording on an iPhone will not get you the results you are looking for. It is not spontaneous like everyone thinks. You have to arrange, practice, there are very few natural singers, you have to learn how to do it.
If you really want to do it, you will give it the effort it deserves. I think you have a voice, but what you recorded isn't even close to how good it can be. Your voice should be heard, give it the attention it requires.
Let us know how we can help you build you recording area on the cheap. Lots of people here that can help you get there, but you still have to do it.
A vocal coach is good, but also give it some time. This is something that will last you a life time. It will be w worth while investment.Thanks I can probably use my dad's computer if he allows me to (I'm 24 but live at home) and I will look for a interface what U are hearing is me singing for maybe the first time in my life lol I'm getting a vocal coach