Joe Biden........

Joe Biden, good or bad?

  • Good?

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Bad?

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
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When is Trump going to jail?
When he does something worthy of going to jail and there is enough evidence to be convicted in a court of law by a jury of his peers.
In other words never because there is not 12 people in this world that any sane person could justify as his peers. :laughings:
Recently about 6 months ago, I listen to a radio interview where a politician was complaining that the 'people' arent taking the time to listen and fully understand the policies and workings of political parties to be able to make the correct decisions.

This interview was because she was a main stream party politician and of late a 'populist' party has been getting the large gains well above others in polls. So in basic terms, the people are choosing another lesser party over her mainstream party.
It’s true, though.

“Build the wall.”

“Drain the swamp.”

“Lock her up.”

These are simple, well marketed phrases meant for the public to show a desired end result but they don’t go any deeper than that.

Basically saying “I’ll tell you the end goal. Let US worry about policy and the process.”
It’s true, though.

“Build the wall.”

“Drain the swamp.”

“Lock her up.”

These are simple, well marketed phrases meant for the public to show a desired end result but they don’t go any deeper than that.

Basically saying “I’ll tell you the end goal. Let US worry about policy and the process.”
Yeah thats just wishy washy bollox Crows and you know it. You know the bottom line is that ..............if the 'Government' and 'politicians' who ever they are and whatever side they are on, were doing their job and working on behalf of the people, instead of their friends, ridiculous party fancies or whatever. Then there would be no room for any 'new kid in town' or start up party or anyone new.

The reason that people go for 'new blood' is because they are so fed up with what is presently there. What is there, says one thing to get in power, then does exactly the same as the previous ones they replaced, or worse. So the people just get pissed off and then vote for the 'new crowd' even though they may not even agree with them.

Again you attack MrT, but anybody could apply the same 'well marked phrases' to the one you have now or even the 'green' agenda that they have. The green agenda is falling flat on its face and is going to get worse after the summer.

It's ok having green principles and telling 'people', which means telling them, not you, to eat less meat but eat insects and then forcing them off the roads. It is a known fact that when people are hungry they will not obey the rule of law. They will not obey the law if they are also cold and unemployed either.

It really is going to fun around the world in certain countries come November time
Yeah thats just wishy washy bollox Crows and you know it. You know the bottom line is that ..............if the 'Government' and 'politicians' who ever they are and whatever side they are on, were doing their job and working on behalf of the people, instead of their friends, ridiculous party fancies or whatever. Then there would be no room for any 'new kid in town' or start up party or anyone new.

The reason that people go for 'new blood' is because they are so fed up with what is presently there. What is there, says one thing to get in power, then does exactly the same as the previous ones they replaced, or worse. So the people just get pissed off and then vote for the 'new crowd' even though they may not even agree with them.

Again you attack MrT, but anybody could apply the same 'well marked phrases' to the one you have now or even the 'green' agenda that they have. The green agenda is falling flat on its face and is going to get worse after the summer.

It's ok having green principles and telling 'people', which means telling them, not you, to eat less meat but eat insects and then forcing them off the roads. It is a known fact that when people are hungry they will not obey the rule of law. They will not obey the law if they are also cold and unemployed either.

It really is going to fun around the world in certain countries come November time
Definitely not ridiculous.

Trump offered no policy details to the public except, “we’re gonna build a wall. It’s gonna be a great, tall wall.” They handled policy behind closed doors between advisors and the man himself.

This isn’t a rag against him. It’s actually pretty genius.

So now that you know it’s not a criticism but an observation, will you stop with the unnecessary defense of him for no reason at all?
Definitely not ridiculous.

Trump offered no policy details to the public except, “we’re gonna build a wall. It’s gonna be a great, tall wall.” They handled policy behind closed doors between advisors and the man himself.

This isn’t a rag against him. It’s actually pretty genius.

So now that you know it’s not a criticism but an observation, will you stop with the unnecessary defense of him for no reason at all?
I wasnt even defending him or anybody. In fact my post was referring to others in a different country. A radio interview of leading politicians there upset about the 'new party' storming the polls. Nothing to do with America or your pet hate and I didn't mention or refer to such. You are going mad.
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Again you attack MrT, but anybody could apply the same 'well marked phrases' to the one you have now”

Sounds like a defense of him to me.

I don’t even know the point you’re making. All I’m saying is that the woman you referenced isn’t wrong. Many people don’t want or care or even understand nitty gritty policy details. They’re too stupid.
Recently about 6 months ago, I listen to a radio interview where a politician was complaining that the 'people' arent taking the time to listen and fully understand the policies and workings of political parties to be able to make the correct decisions.

This interview was because she was a main stream party politician and of late a 'populist' party has been getting the large gains well above others in polls. So in basic terms, the people are choosing another lesser party over her mainstream party.
Hold on I am not having that. This is my post you referred to. No mention of Americans anywhere.

My second post a reply to you where you think I mention or was referring to Trump and it was YOU who mentioned him as well as his quotes. NOT ME. Even then my only mention of him was because YOU did to my post. Then I spoke in a general term to apply throughout the world as I mention.

I hate being accused of things I never did.
Again you attack MrT, but anybody could apply the same 'well marked phrases' to the one you have now”

Sounds like a defense of him to me.

I don’t even know the point you’re making. All I’m saying is that the woman you referenced isn’t wrong. Many people don’t want or care or even understand nitty gritty policy details. They’re too stupid.
That may be, but in this case and the one I mentioned, is about the political wing of a major terrorist organisation storming higher than major political parties in the polls and it looks like they will walk the next election. Such is how disenfranchised people are with major political parties. 'Everywhere'.
Doesnt matter I am not getting into political stuff again. I only replied because Crows went fruity. Place is nuts.
Place is nuts.
The whole world is nuts. WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST SUPPORT ONE RULER FOR EACH COUNTRY ALREADY? And whoever doesn't support that ruler can be allowed to live together but apart from the rest of us. And a few of those in power can just be there with them in their campgrounds to make sure they don't try any funny stuff. And since they are there and the rest of us are having to pay for their housing we can have them build things for the higher order that is one true nation. I just don't understand it. It's SO SIMPLE. One leader to rule us all that we give complete and total authority to.
They say being president is like riding a bike. Sometimes you crash..cant they prop him up with something?

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