Roe vs Wade Overturned

Again, there is NO outlawing it on a federal level. Just giving the power back to the states.
We’re all well-aware of that. The same debate will play out in the states so the conversation is still relevant. If the religious right could they would outlaw it nation wide.
I know of no state that has any laws regarding men’s rights. And yes, it is his responsibility to be financially responsible for the child. And deadbeat dads are pieces of shit. But even that is complicated with nuance.

What if???? The man wants the abortion. The woman does not, and she’s now presented with her options. Dumps the man, and collects financial benefits from both the state and the federal government.
In addition she’s collecting child support from the man.
There are deadbeat dad’s, but there’s plenty of ghetto moms profiting from multiple kids from multiple dads.
There are a lot of I suppose well intentions yet I'm certain dumb arguments being made here to excuse an expectant mother killing the child prior to giving birth.

I haven't the energy nor the time. I'll just say...

Nah, on second thought, I won't.
A young lady i knew got pregnant 3 times in row . Abortions each time.

Her hormones changed her body from Sarah plain and tall. To Anna Nicole Smith..Breasts swelled to DD's , got all slim thicc with wide hips. The third time got her body to start lactating. Although there was no baby , she started producing milk.

I can see why they do it. Make money doing videos on OnlyFans
abortion is 100% lethal.
There aren't enough abandoned unwanted babies to go around.
I know couples that have waited for years.
and what is wrong with foster care?
I support a local orphanage.
It isn't the end of the world.
You are really out of touch, dude.
People love babies if you'll just give them a chance.
Babies immediately given up for adoption do well. The problem is kids that are not given up and later go to foster care. Well over half of sex-trafficked teens were in foster care. Kids in foster care are many times more likely to get arrested and go to prison. There is virtually a pipeline from foster care to being trafficked or jailed.
We’re all well-aware of that. The same debate will play out in the states so the conversation is still relevant. If the religious right could they would outlaw it nation wide.
We may be well aware of that.

But much of the left seems not to be aware. It’s being twisted into this being a nationwide abortion ban where next they’ll be coming after the birth control.

I saw a mainstream pendent talking about birth control bans and the minority people not being able to afford them as it is.

Bullshit. Minorities can afford nails getting done, expensive weaves, Nike’s, the latest iPhone, and they can’t afford contraceptives??

Besides, planned parenthood establishments are all over in minority neighborhoods and contraceptives are free!

Even in the heavy red states, they’ll still be there being funded by the feds.
But much of the left seems not to be aware. It’s being twisted into this being a nationwide abortion ban where next they’ll be coming after the birth control.

I saw a mainstream pendent talking about birth control bans and the minority people not being able to afford them as it is.

Bullshit. Minorities can afford nails getting done, expensive weaves, Nike’s, the latest iPhone, and they can’t afford contraceptives??

Besides, planned parenthood establishments are all over in minority neighborhoods and contraceptives are free!

Even in the heavy red states, they’ll still be there being funded by the feds.

States with the most unwed mothers tend to be red states.
I blame our government and the welfare system for a lot of the inner cities problems. It has broken up the black community in so many ways. Including kicking the men out, where the government becomes the ‘daddy’ providing the money.

And then on the abortion issue, it’s so easy to get an abortion, it becomes a secondary form of birth control.
States with the most unwed mothers tend to be red states.
dont know if that’s factual, I’ll have to look into that.
A butterfly is a caterpillar before it is a butterfly.
Does that make it okay for me to torture a caterpillar?
A butterfly is only a butterfly after it has transformed from a cocoon and going through a stage of metamorphosis from a caterpillar grub.
What would be wrong with making cat food out of all the dead fetuses?
Like geee, it's just dead tissue.
That would reduce the cost of disposal.
What... there's a law against that.
Send out some protestors immediately! 👿👿👿
If you want to eat dead fetuses you had better check your laws. On this subject dead fetuses have been eaten and are used for all sorts of things including medicine. You may have even unknowingly have taken them yourself in vaccines?

Animals would have no problem eating a dead fetus. Humans even today commonly eat extremely young animals like suckling pig two weeks old. With veal (very young cow) they are not much over 6 months old. Lamb is eaten from 6 weeks old. Baby goat only a few weeks. Eating fertlised chicken eggs is quite common, you may have eaten one yourself if free range eggs.
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abortion is 100% lethal.
There aren't enough abandoned unwanted babies to go around.
I know couples that have waited for years.
and what is wrong with foster care?
I support a local orphanage.
It isn't the end of the world.
You are really out of touch, dude.
People love babies if you'll just give them a chance.
Babies or children. That is just lifestyle. There are lots of unwanted children.
A butterfly is only a butterfly after it has transformed from a cocoon and going through a stage of metamorphosis from a caterpillar grub.
So the game is to wait til the grub makes a cocoon..Then you cut open its chrysalis and kill while it sleeping.


Wait until its 5 years old , take it to school and have it crushed and beaten until it wants to kill everybody in revenge.

either way...It is IM BIGGER THAN YOU ARE! might makes right. So I can kill you, because Im bigger and stronger..and you are smaller and weaker.
The only way I see this world moving forward.

Is a complete restart. In the beginning, if we are making rules for each needs to go. I make a rule for you, then you make an equal rule for me.

I cant subscribe to any dictatorship of rules that dish it out but cannot take it. Also to get the respect you need to be the best man for the job. These politicians are ass clown man children.
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