What's goin' on with everybody

Watched this old British film today. Very good. Only just over an hour long. I can't really say anything about it otherwise it will spoil it for you. But what I can say it isn't what you think. An old British Hammer film but certainly not a horror movie. Cash On Demand 1961. https://ok.ru/video/3577653627597
Watched a VERY OLD film with Bob hope called Paleface (I think). Extremely corny but for some reason I laughed my ass off. Guess I was in the right mood.


Watched a VERY OLD film with Bob hope called Paleface (I think). Extremely corny but for some reason I laughed my ass off. Guess I was in the right mood.


Funny movie and almost as politically incorrect as Mel Brooks movies. I know the script of Young Frankentstein nearly letter perfect but it still cracks me up.
Just got back from my 5am Black Friday Walmart run. It's not what you think... you see, I had planned to go there anyway this afternoon just for groceries - no holiday stuff. But I woke up at 2:45am and couldn't get back to sleep because I have this song I'm working on earwigging the hell out of my brain.

Anyway.. I left outta here at 4:39am and got back at 5:22am. So I did my shopping and drove 9 miles round trip in less than 45 minutes. Wow! Not too bad for a Black Friday. "In out, like a duck mating" [Conn MacCleary to Remo Williams].

When I arrived at the store at 4:51am there was already a line I'm guesstimating at 200 people. It was 59°-F and everyone was bundled in winter clothing like it was 40°-F ... in freakin' Florida!! But no... not me. I was in my shorts and flip-flops with only my mask to keep the chilled air from my throat and lungs. I was comfortable.

I stayed on the grocery store side and it was... a ghost town, except for me and the guy pushing the zamboni floor cleaner. Spooky. The aisle dividing groceries from the rest of the store was like the line where oil meets water in a jar. The "other" side was humming like a beehive with those 200+ shoppers, and me all alone on my side. Again.. spooky.

And it wasn't just individual people pushing a cart, it was whole families pushing one cart - 4 or 5 people like satellites orbiting the cart as it moved about.

The shelves were almost all fully packed, except for the bread aisle. Lots of bread but the .87¢ Walmart bread section (about 10-ft long) was bare as hell. No love for the $3 to $5 loaves.

Where was I.. oh yeah.. I'm not one to go hog wild every year buying the next, new, bigger, badasserier 4K 50+incher TV. No sir. [Gold Hat: TVs? We ain't got no TVs! We don't need no TVs! I don't have to show you any stinking TVs!]. But...... I do need about a 32-inch Smart TV to replace the dumb TV in my living room so I can use the dumb TV as my primary studio monitor. The smart TV will marry nicely with my new Chromebook for streaming and browsing.. moving me even further away from the evil cable company :cursing: Instead of fighting my way through on Electronic Black Monday, I can wait 'til after the holidays and still pick one up at a decent price.

The End
its cold as hell here in wichitard kansas. to cold for woodworking :mad: been playing with some alternate tunings though. shits weird. wife and I got our covid vaccines, she got really sick, i barely felt anything. Now people can cough and sneeze on me all they want. bring it on nerds.
anyways, what are you all up to?
Hey man, you still out there..? Still a Witchitard LIVEman.. :-)
Mixing two bands live this weekend. Earlier this evening it was a cover band. Not super original, but at least I know what the songs are supposed to sound like. Tomorrow evening it's a female Elvis impersonator who also does some other related songs (Tom Jones, Greased Lightnin' from Grease).
Just finished making another batch of salsa verde - w/o the basil & parsley this time around.. just cilantro, tomatillos, lime juice, a small can of chipotles in adobo and ghost pepper. I usually add at least 6 large garlic cloves (minced) for some extra bite but I left them out this time so I can get a better idea how much punch the ghost pepper adds. I added only 1 ghost pepper (seeds and all), dusted in my spice grinder.

I must say, when I took a whiff of ghost pepper after dusting, it was a small whiff and it took my breath away - literally. I was in love. The amount of salsa worked out to exactly enough to fill a standard mayonnaise jar right to the bottom of the neck. Perfect. That 1 pepper was just enough to be very noticeable from a little taste. Good burn at the back and tongue, even broke into a good sweat, but not painful at all. I'm looking forward to seeing how it evolves as it marinates in the fridge. If it begins to mellow I'l dust another pepper into it. Oh yeah.. :P🥵
Time for a new batch. That last one had the one ghost pepper - the salsa actually got warmer over time to where there's a light burn on the whole tongue and more in the throat. I actually nearly choked when I accidentally inhaled some while eating my breakfast eggs. Hoo boy though.. it was good. This next batch will get the 6 cloves of garlic I left out of the last one, AND.. I'll throw in a second ghost pepper just to see what happens.
My personal life is more depressing than normal people can deal with. Other than that, everything is fine. This is fine.
Time for a new batch. That last one had the one ghost pepper - the salsa actually got warmer over time to where there's a light burn on the whole tongue and more in the throat. I actually nearly choked when I accidentally inhaled some while eating my breakfast eggs. Hoo boy though.. it was good. This next batch will get the 6 cloves of garlic I left out of the last one, AND.. I'll throw in a second ghost pepper just to see what happens.
I've noticed that as things sit a while, the peppers blossom into a nice heat. I had made a pot of chili and put about a quart away in the freezer. After a few weeks, I pulled it out for the weekend. It has more bite than when I first froze it.

I've got about 20 pods that are slowly turning red from the plants that I pulled up weeks ago. I cut the stems with the pepper pods and put them in water, next to a window. We'll see if they develop the same amount of heat as when they ripen on the plant. (I just couldn't throw away 20 or so perfectly good ghost peppers when we got our first freeze). I'll let most of them sit and dry.
My last quart of pasta sauce I added 1Tbsp of whole Chiltepin peppers dusted in my grinder. These were interesting.. there was no instant bite, and they only had a subtle flavoring in the sauce - the kind you have to think about when it hits your tongue, like "Hmmm.. something there... what is it?" The heat came subtly as an all-over warm feeling with a few drops of sweat on my brow. Not too much. However, I prefer the taste of the sauce without those peppers - they kinda stepped on the garlic flavoring which I like more.

I've still got a load of Thai peppers I haven't even tried yet, except for a small nibble when I first got them. I'll add them to the next salsa or stir-fry, whichever comes first.
Whew! Just finished making salsa. I added 6 garlic cloves and doubled up on the ghost peppers (2). Got the whole place smelled up with chipotle, garlic and ghost. I tasted about 1/2 tsp about an hour ago and I'm still sweating lightly on my brow. This one will marinate for a couple weeks while I finish off the last one.

Damn!... I'm still sweating an hour later.. :LOL:🥵
Whew! Just finished making salsa. I added 6 garlic cloves and doubled up on the ghost peppers (2). Got the whole place smelled up with chipotle, garlic and ghost. I tasted about 1/2 tsp about an hour ago and I'm still sweating lightly on my brow. This one will marinate for a couple weeks while I finish off the last one.

Damn!... I'm still sweating an hour later.. :LOL:🥵
Hey doc, I didn't lose my sense of taste from Covid, I just burned the taste buds off my tongue eating salsa!
Each year here in Florida we have a Strawberry Festival and there's usually some pretty good music. Last year - I think it was last year - Lynyrd Skkynyrd was part of the concert series. When I checked tickets for them well in advance, they were at least $700+ each. That blew me off.

This year the Beach Boys are scheduled, so I skipped on over to see what's available. The low end isn't too terrible considering the outrageous prices of these times, but the high end are definitely for those with six-figure incomes. I haven't seen the Beach Boys since their bicentennial performance at the Washington Monument. Looks like that may remain the last time I saw them :(

Well anyway.. the prices for available tickets to see them at this year's festival :

How much..!!!.jpg
My personal life is more depressing than normal people can deal with. Other than that, everything is fine. This is fine.
I don't mean to one up you but I'm going through a divorce and I'm about to give half of my money away after I sell my house. I live in So Cal in an area that's like $2k a month for a studio apartment. I'm pretty happy about it. lol
Well, my wife died from cancer and I had a massive heart attack and now I'm loosing feeling all over. Now life just doesn't have a lot of meaning for me. Besides that everything is just fine
I told my wife, "I ain't never gonna let you go", and she knows I mean it.

Bad timing, sorry you lost your wife to cancer.