Feedback for pop/r&b type song


New member
Hey everyone, new guy here looking to branch out and connect with online communities and this forum came recommended.

Live musician turned producer here. While i’ve “produced” tracks for friends before…this track is the first one i’ve approached with the mentality of being a producer first and foremost.

I could really use some feedback overall on it. Basically looking for a “good job” pat on the back or “try harder next time dude”. Anything really to help me improve.

Some context: ended up hiring a singer, she lives halfway across the country so i didnt get to track vocals in person unfortunately. It was also my first time working with so many vocal tracks, comping, layering etc. Honestly A LOT of this track is a first for me which is partly why i’m starving for some feedback from other producers.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
This is not my genre, so take these comments with a grain of salt.

Having said that, everything sounds pretty darn good to me. The one nit I have for sure is that the vocal sounds a bit sibilant, and I think a de-esser could help.

I also personally think the tune would benefit from a more prominent bass instrument. As it is, the bass is almost kind of like a ghost.

Nice job overall, though!
This is not my genre, so take these comments with a grain of salt.

Having said that, everything sounds pretty darn good to me. The one nit I have for sure is that the vocal sounds a bit sibilant, and I think a de-esser could help.

I also personally think the tune would benefit from a more prominent bass instrument. As it is, the bass is almost kind of like a ghost.

Nice job overall, though!
Oh man thank you so much for the feedback. The sibilance is no joke. I spent a while cutting/editing to take most of it away. Used a free deesser i found online (it wasn’t very good but helped). I picked up the waves deesser on black friday specifically because of this experience. But yes I agree with you here. Definitely going to spend more time dealing with sibilance next time around.
pretty cool. I'm hearing some harsh sibilance on the vocal. The lowest freq parts could use some cleaning up - I think it's maybe that kick drum that has a resonant feature around 200-350hz somewhere, it's cluttering up the low-mids end a little. Listening on Sen HD280. You want to try moving that hi hat to the side a little? With the bright sibilant vocal, it's kinda a lot of high end in one spot and it'd give a wider sense to the percussion. The vocal that comes in much later around 2:40 has an odd EQ balance with some unpleasant frequencies. But really, this is pretty darn good. Is there a high end EQ boost across the entire track or are those individually boosted?
pretty cool. I'm hearing some harsh sibilance on the vocal. The lowest freq parts could use some cleaning up - I think it's maybe that kick drum that has a resonant feature around 200-350hz somewhere, it's cluttering up the low-mids end a little. Listening on Sen HD280. You want to try moving that hi hat to the side a little? With the bright sibilant vocal, it's kinda a lot of high end in one spot and it'd give a wider sense to the percussion. The vocal that comes in much later around 2:40 has an odd EQ balance with some unpleasant frequencies. But really, this is pretty darn good. Is there a high end EQ boost across the entire track or are those individually boosted?
Wow good ear. Yea i was having some issues with the track not sounding as bright as i would have liked (i did listen to it through multiple different systems) so i ended up using slates fresh air on the master bus.

The low end was hard to balance. The resonance you are hearing is actually the bass as the kick is pretty flat with no fx. I was pretty much treating the bass and kick as one thing. Basically using the bass to give the kick that resonance trying to make it feel huge, and only using the bass where the kick notes are.

Didnt think of moving the hihat to the side to help with vocal sibilance! I was too focused on keeing the hats centered (which i never do!) as i wanted them to play a more up front role.

The vocal at 2:40 i tried using a higher harmony she had recorded. I wanted to subtly layer it but it came out more prominent than i had hoped. It might also need some tuning/i might have messed up the tuning or just forgot. Honestly i wasnt even going to use it as i was second guessing it the whole time but wanted some variation to the vocals and just ended up leaving it in last minute.
Yeah master bus high end lifts can be tough. Personally I like to add it in the individual channel to where I like it and then keep the master bus high end boost to around 12khz and only a touch, that way it's adding just the airy sense rather than important or resonant freq on the instruments. Lifting everything at 5-7khz at once can add new problems. But more than one way to do it for sure! As long as it's where you want it in the end, no one cares how it's done!