
Dude, that absolutely doesn't say what you said.

But it IS what I said, DUDE.

It's what Mueller said, and I quote directly from the Mueller report: The investigation did not identify evidence that any U.S. persons knowingly or intentionally coordinated with the IRA’s interference operation.

It's what Bill Barr said in the Press Conference at time mark 3:28 . All Americans should be grateful to find that out, says Mr. Barr. I like that, and it look's like your all washed up dude. Taliban Joe too.

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Imagine being so brainwashed that you think several felony convictions vindicates the criminal. Holy fuck.

That's your silver-lining for the failed Mueller Investigation. A "word-salad" with a touch of Tourette's. Cute.

None of it even came up in the impeachment hearing. Imagine that. It was not even worth mentioning, so why did you? Is it a mental disorder?
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Imagine being so brainwashed that you think several felony convictions vindicates the criminal. Holy fuck.

Twisted deranged logic. Holy fuck you're pathetic. You would shit all over The Bill of Rights and The Constitution out of vindictiveness and partisan politics. You don't belong here in the United States of America. You would fit right in Russia or some banana republic where they imprison their political opponents. As much as you Democrats in Washington DC have tried, and tried, Trump has never been charged with a felony, much less a criminal conviction. If the system were not so corrupt your boy Biden would likely be in prison, as would certainly Hillary Clinton. But that is not the subject at hand!

Guys, don't fall for this f**k's efforts to redefine the narrative with The Washington Post talking points and propaganda. I doubt he could think for himself outside of what he reads in that liberal rag. Don't fall for it. It's what Democrats do, attempt to control the narrative.

The Biden administration, the Democrats, and their lackeys in the media want to define the narrative as Joe Biden ended the war and got the US out of Afghanistan. The problem is not that we got out, but how we got out. History will show this as if not the most, among the most shameful episodes in American history. It will likely redefine the world as we've known it, and possibly cause irreparable damage to the leader of the free world, The United States of America.

Stay focused, don't let them deflect and lead you down a rabbit hole of Trump is a criminal, Trump lost the election fair and square, lies got us into Iraq, etc etc etc blah blah blah. Place blame for what we are seeing with the shame of the exit from Afghanisitan and the mess that that has yet to be resolved or even defined where it belongs, an albatross around the neck of Joe Biden and the Democrats.........and a side order of the dumbasses who voted them into office. And we're only 7 months into Biden's 4 year term.
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But it IS what I said, DUDE.

It's what Mueller said, and I quote directly from the Mueller report: The investigation did not identify evidence that any U.S. persons knowingly or intentionally coordinated with the IRA’s interference operation.

It's what Bill Barr said in the Press Conference at time mark 3:28 . All Americans should be grateful to find that out, says Mr. Barr. I like that, and it look's like your all washed up dude. Taliban Joe too.

Barr lied - much like the Trump felons below:

Trump's campaign manager: hid millions of dollars from Russia. Convicted of 8 felonies.

Trump's deputy campaign Manager: Hid millions of dollars from Russia. Convicted of 2 felonies

Trump's national security advisor: Lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russia. Pleaded guilty twice to felony lying.

Trump's foreign policy advisor: Pleaded guilty to felony lying about his contacts with Russia.

Trump's advisor: Convicted of 7 felonies - lying, witness tampering, and obstruction in efforts to hide his ties to Russia.
Twisted deranged logic. Holy fuck you're pathetic. You would shit all over The Bill of Rights and The Constitution out of vindictiveness and partisan politics. You don't belong here in the United States of America. You would fit right in Russia or some banana republic where they imprison their political opponents.
Trump's campaign slogan was "lock her up." No crime was even specified. Trump makes hypocrites out of you all.

All of the Trump felony convictions were proper, and done in a court of law. There will be more.
Barr lied - much like the Trump felons below:

Trump's campaign manager: hid millions of dollars from Russia. Convicted of 8 felonies.

Trump's deputy campaign Manager: Hid millions of dollars from Russia. Convicted of 2 felonies

Trump's national security advisor: Lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russia. Pleaded guilty twice to felony lying.

Trump's foreign policy advisor: Pleaded guilty to felony lying about his contacts with Russia.

Trump's advisor: Convicted of 7 felonies - lying, witness tampering, and obstruction in efforts to hide his ties to Russia.

Mueller said: The investigation did not identify evidence that any U.S. persons knowingly or intentionally coordinated with the IRA’s interference operation.

It's in the Mueller report. Take your medicine.
Trump's campaign slogan was "lock her up." No crime was even specified. Trump makes hypocrites out of you all.

She deleted information under subpoena. She admitted it. Listen until you get it. The email trove was finally recovered, and none of her emails were personal or private. She lied about it anyway. She didn't have to lie about it. She's compulsive like yourself.

Trump's campaign slogan was "lock her up." No crime was even specified. Trump makes hypocrites out of you all.

All of the Trump felony convictions were proper, and done in a court of law. There will be more.

No need to specify, some of the crimes were well known, as detailed by Comey. The issue could have been pursued, but as I said, it's bad form to lock up your political opponents. Not that Democrats would give a shit about impropriety.

But that is neither here nor there, Trump is not President, ding bat. Your boy Biden just embarrassed the US in front of the entire world, friend and foe. I got all up under your skin, and now you want to start responding to my posts, again: Good!

Do tell what a great job Biden did getting the US out of Afghanistan. Clarify how days before the final withdrawal Biden said we would not leave until all Americans were out. Reconcile that statement with the fact that hundreds are still there, betrayed, left behind and stranded by their own country and Commander in Chief, Joe Biden. Explain how the withdrawal was a smashing success.....that was Trump's fault.

Dance, boy.
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Meanwhile in Afghanistan the present American administration disorganised the biggest rout in the worlds history.

Left billions of dollars of armaments for terrorists.

Left behind their service animals to die of thirst and starvation.

Left behind millions in cash for the terrorists.

Left behind American citizens who couldn't get to the airport on time.

It is reported that there are now American school children stuck there.

It is reported they gave the Taliban a list of Afghans who worked for American forces so that the Taliban could allow them through to be evacuated. :oops: :unsure:

The presidents usually very vocal supporters like the Clintons, Obama, Hollywood celebs and others have vanished or aren't doing interviews.

The second in command when she takes her mask off laughs hysterically at ................what and why?

The Generals who have never been to war (except on a pc monitor) but are adorned with chests full medals and appear to grow more medals daily tell us how they are making the world a safer place. :oops:
Barr lied - much like the Trump felons below:

Trump's campaign manager: hid millions of dollars from Russia. Convicted of 8 felonies.

Trump's deputy campaign Manager: Hid millions of dollars from Russia. Convicted of 2 felonies

Trump's national security advisor: Lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russia. Pleaded guilty twice to felony lying.

Trump's foreign policy advisor: Pleaded guilty to felony lying about his contacts with Russia.

Trump's advisor: Convicted of 7 felonies - lying, witness tampering, and obstruction in efforts to hide his ties to Russia.

Donald Trump is not President. Remember, he "got fired", dummy.

Tell us about Joe Biden. Biden just said today,

“For anyone who gets the wrong idea, let me say it clearly: to those who wish America harm, to those who engage in terrorism against us or our allies, the United States will never rest. We will not forget. We’ll hunt you down to the end of the Earth and you will pay the ultimate price.”

The Taliban and their Islamist cohorts are currently going door to door in Afghanistan executing (or worse) Afghans who allied with the US in opposition to the Taliban. Reconcile the disconnect between the words spewing forth from the sorry excuse for a human being you voted for and his despicable actions.
No need to specify, some of the crimes were well known, as detailed by Comey.

Yup, I asked my rep if this Clinton server set-up was the new normal for national security at our State Department. My rep was blown away when Comey did NOT recommend felony prosecutions. She can get away with murder, and she knows it.
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Trump is not President.

Are you man enough to address the deplorable manner in which Democratic President Joe Biden carried out the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the cognitively addled individual for whom you voted? Defend his decision, your decision, and yourself, boy.

Can't think for yourself, can you? The Washington Post hasn't sorted the talking points for you yet.
It's not about Trump. If I can help it, IBB is not going to come in here and deflect the topic to Trump in an attempt to control the narrative....a common tactic of the left. Those on the left with more imagination than IBB is capable of have already defined the preferred narrative...

"the only choices Biden had was to follow through with a withdrawal or extend the war by deploying massive numbers of troops"

Which is a lie, a deflection. IBB knows this, that is why he wants to talk Trump, lies getting us into Iraq, Hillary, anything to deflect from talking about the current shit fest Afghanistan withdrawal.

I'm not even interested in an explanation for his asinine argument that Biden did a good job handling the Afghanistan withdrawal, but it was all "Trump's fault". That's a fucking doozy, but i'm not interested.
How much of a scumbag is Joe Biden?

There's a story going around: Sometime back in the 2000s two US Blackhawk Helicopters were forced to land by a snowstorm in the Afghanistan mountains. The area was infested with hostile Afghan fighters. Among those on board were Joe Biden, John Kerry, and current Biden administration Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. A team set out by motorcade to rescue those aboard the helicopters. Typical of Biden bluster he would later use the story on the campaign trail...

Biden, "If you want to know where al Qaeda lives, you want to know where [Osama] bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me. Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down … in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are.”

Joining the rescue team and playing a part in rescuing Biden, John Kerry, and SoS Blinken, was an Afghan interpreter, we'll call him Mohammed. Mohammed accompanied US troops on over 100 firefights. US servicemen and veterans of the Afghanistan war who knew Mohammed for some time have petitioned, made calls, and tried in vane to get him out of the country. During the withdrawal Mohammed along with his family managed to make it to the gates of the airport in Kabul, but he was told he would have to leave behind his wife and children. While reportedly over 90 thousand Afghans were evacuated from Afghanistan, Mohammed and his family were not among them. A man who played a part in rescuing Joe Biden is among the Afghans who actually did work with Americans and most certainly will face death at the hands of the Taliban for doing so, left behind.

In hiding in Afghanistan and fearing for his life, Mohammed managed to get a message out hoping to reach President Biden. "Hello Mr. President. Save me and my family", he said. "Don't forget me here."

There is little chance this man will make it out of Afghanistan, and will die there at the hands of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, or Isis. Lord knows what will happen to his wife and children. Biden? Well, at least Biden got a good story for the campaign trail.

What could have Biden done to change any of that? If someone helped save your life, what would you have done?