Bad ass videos

Yeah man did you see the size of that beach in the background...awesome! :laughings:

Really nice cover and killer ludwig kit! :thumbs up:

Seriously they needed two keyboard players...pffft! :listeningmusic:

And most interesting they sang with totally American accents even though they were Ausie's...pretty good!

:laughings: :D :)
Wow ya know there are so many great videos out there and many posted here so far that I had forgotten about or never seen. This one is BAD ASS cause this precious little thing was incredibly BAD ASS...OMG!
When they did Hey Ya which is actually about divorce...they hit the proverbial "HOME RUN" was a very slick video taking after the Beatles Ed Sullivan show appearance...They killed had so many eye candy elements going on to a very fun, danceable melody and beat.. this was a made for the general public production that would entertain people in their 60's to 6 year olds and everyone in between. Their Youtube channel HERE is a road map of how popularity works and how fleeting it can be..In watching a few of their videos produced in the same time frame they hung onto trying to hit that middle road (can you say $$$) as they made a concerted effort to become more True to themselves as southern rappers their MOR (middle of the road) audience dumped them like a bad habit..But that Hey Ya video and everyone that made it happen was spot on in creating a history making great MOR video that is not only very catchy and happy feeling (even though the back story is about divorce) but memorable almost unforgettable...which by the way reminds of another game changing awesome video idea...posted below
Anybody remember Robert Fripp the late 60's Prog rock guitarist and his Mrs Toyah Wilcox the punk?

Well Sunday afternoons get a bit crazy in their house. Watch it before it gets taken down.

Anybody remember Robert Fripp the late 60's Prog rock guitarist and his Mrs Toyah Wilcox the punk?

Well Sunday afternoons get a bit crazy in their house. Watch it before it gets taken down.

Dude what was the video about that it got the ban
Robert Fripp deeply into his guitars and playing Prog Rock since the late 1960's married a loud flame haired Punk Rocker/actress of the late 1970's called Toyah Wilcox.
They got bored and had no work early last year and started a Youtube channel where you can see that they have a wacky sense of humour.
Toyah is/was a Punk and not a great singer and doesn't care, but makes up with it in her zaniness to which surprisingly Robert is same.
So after having a fantastic surgeon for her face she also shows off her other best assets ......... A great pair of Melons! ......... This time well on show in a see thru shirt.
The song was a tribute to Keith Flint of The Prodigy with the hit 'FireStarter'.
But knowing those mealy mouth curtain twitching haters of Youtube, I knew it would be long before someone couldn't resist hitting that report button.
It was nothing but a bit of fun and nothing to make your Granny blush.
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