Need help with Microphone purchase

I sent an Audient interface and a couple of microphones to SRoyC and his son. They are lovely people who make spiritual music. I hope it helps them along their path.
My apologies for this late update.

I am eternally thankful to this forum for bringing me in contact with so many nice and knowledgeable people about a subject in which I am just a novice. On top of it all, I was overwhelmed by the unfathomable generosity and kindness of senior member [MENTION=90024]nsureit[/MENTION]. He himself contacted with me and offered me a gift of something which is completely beyond my financial capability. He only asked me that I must employ my serious effort to learn how to utilise the system fruitefully. And so I will. He is so benevolent that he even refused to accept anything towards shippng charges. So, to be honest I am completely at loss of words to express my gratitude. Thannk you so very much.
You are very welcome, SRoyC. I am looking forward to hearing your inspirational music recorded with some better tools.
I would like to inform everyone that I have received everything from our generous member [MENTION=90024]nsureit[/MENTION] and I am at loss of words to express my gratitude. Thank you so much everyone for your help and assistance.
I have just finished a test recording using the equipment kindly gifted by [MENTION=90024]nsureit[/MENTION] and requested him for his guidance and feedback. Personally, as a singer, I was amazed at how effortlessly this set of equipment picked up lower notes so clearly. I used Audacity as DAW. Once finalized, I would be more than happy to share the result here.
I have just finished a test recording using the equipment kindly gifted by [MENTION=90024]nsureit[/MENTION] and requested him for his guidance and feedback. Personally, as a singer, I was amazed at how effortlessly this set of equipment picked up lower notes so clearly. I used Audacity as DAW. Once finalized, I would be more than happy to share the result here.

Nah! We want 'warts and all! OK, seriously I think it pays to post some 'Work In Progress' because the Top Chaps here (not I) can probably identify problems very early in your trials and save you time.

Also, I am sure someone has said this already but, excellent as Audacity is, it is not a fully fledged DAW and is limited in various ways. Reaper is free for as long as you can keep the guilt at bay and only $60US to buy (although I understand that might be a lot of money for you. PM me)

Nah! We want 'warts and all! OK, seriously I think it pays to post some 'Work In Progress' because the Top Chaps here (not I) can probably identify problems very early in your trials and save you time.

Also, I am sure someone has said this already but, excellent as Audacity is, it is not a fully-fledged DAW and is limited in various ways. Reaper is free for as long as you can keep the guilt at bay and only $60US to buy (although I understand that might be a lot of money for you. PM me)


Thank you for your valuable comment [MENTION=89697]ecc83[/MENTION]. I have sent you a PM too.
Hello fellow members and friends

Because of the generosity of [MENTION=90024]nsureit[/MENTION] and his kind guidance, I have completed two recordings and subsequent mixings to the best of my ability. The credit goes to [MENTION=90024]nsureit[/MENTION].

The first one was done in Audacity. The second one involved comparatively longer and more complex workflow and I did the recording as well as mixing in Bandlab's Cakewalk.

I believe the overall volume of the end mp3 obtained from cakewalk is a little low. I have monitored the output bus in Cakewalk to make sure that the playback meter does not touch red, that is it does not get clipped.

First Recording: Streets of London- SRC- Mixed.mp3 - Google Drive

Second Recording: Song Sung Blue- SRC- Mix 05.mp3 - Google Drive

I am really grateful to this forum's members for their support and benevolence.
Nice work [MENTION=204825]SRoyC[/MENTION]. You have a pleasant voice.

Thanks a lot for your appreciation. I have never done mixing. So please tell me where I can improve (I know the list would be long ). And is the output from the cakewalk is low volumewise?
Thanks a lot for your appreciation. I have never done mixing. So please tell me where I can improve (I know the list would be long ). And is the output from the cakewalk is low volumewise?

I'm just getting back into this mixing business myself after a long hiatus, so I'll defer to the more accomplished here. The second song in Cakewalk, though at a lower volume, sounds better than the first song in Audacity.
I'm just getting back into this mixing business myself after a long hiatus, so I'll defer to the more accomplished here. The second song in Cakewalk, though at a lower volume, sounds better than the first song in Audacity.

Thank you! I am actually trying to figure out how to increase the output gain of the downmix in cakewalk. As an experiment I exported the song again in wave, imported the same into Audacity and increased the gain by +3.0 dB which made the loudness better. As I monitored the output level in audacity after aplying the 3.0dB gain, the playback meter touched red only once, otherwise it remained within -6.0dB range. I know I am not doing something right, and the peak should not touch 0dB but I am yet to figure that out.
Thank you! I am actually trying to figure out how to increase the output gain of the downmix in cakewalk. As an experiment I exported the song again in wave, imported the same into Audacity and increased the gain by +3.0 dB which made the loudness better. As I monitored the output level in audacity after aplying the 3.0dB gain, the playback meter touched red only once, otherwise it remained within -6.0dB range. I know I am not doing something right, and the peak should not touch 0dB but I am yet to figure that out.

NOW! I start this post saying I know JACK S about mixing! I am just an old, old valve amp fixer, just saying what'I' hear.

Very good overall but I detect a "roughness" some slight distortion has crept in? This could be due to your convoluted method used to boost level. Cakewalk has a Normalize function. By this means you can boost a track by any selectable amount and since this is an internal, digital process there is no danger of clipping (but don't go to -0.01dBfs PLEASE!).

My PERSONAL opinion is that you voice is a bit loud ref the backing and the whole thing could do with a touch of reverb? I enjoyed "Song" more than "streets" but then I never did like that song!

BUT I repeat! I am NO judge and rarely comment on folk's music. Also, meant to say some compression on the vocal track but again, WTF do I know!

OK! Wonga where gob is,
I have taken the liberty of adding slight compression to the track and a bit of reverb. I hope you like the result.



OK! Wonga where gob is,
I have taken the liberty of adding slight compression to the track and a bit of reverb. I hope you like the result. Please feel free to comment on my music, I am so grateful for the constructive comments that I receive, that's one of the best ways to learn for me.


Hi Dave

Thank you for your feedback and thanks for taking the liberty to work on the file. Please feel free to comment on my music as I am so grateful for all the constructive comments that I receive. It's one of the best ways for me to learn.

I had applied some reverb to the main vocal tracks, but it seems like that was insufficient.

Regarding "Normalize", is there any measurement from where I should start?

Is there any way to apply a particular effect on all the tracks in a project at one go?
Hi Dave

Thank you for your feedback and thanks for taking the liberty to work on the file. Please feel free to comment on my music as I am so grateful for all the constructive comments that I receive. It's one of the best ways for me to learn.

I had applied some reverb to the main vocal tracks, but it seems like that was insufficient.

Regarding "Normalize", is there any measurement from where I should start?

Is there any way to apply a particular effect on all the tracks in a project at one go?

Sorry son, I did very little with DAWs except record and edit a bit when musical son was here. I do even less now.

"Normalize"? I usually go as set then if it comes out too high or not enough "undo" and give it another shot.

I undesrstand you can 'send' any and all tracks to any FX pluggin and thus 'effect' them all the same way but I have never tried it.
Plus, I really don't know Cakewalk AT ALL but I bet there is a book out there?

In other words friend, you have reached the limit of MY expertise! (I do know about other stuff tho')
