Pocket Pod


New member
howdy folkeroonies

I'm planning a pocket pod to cut down on the floor space I take up at gigs

I've been using line 6 gear for what seems like eons so ALL LINE 6 HATERS PLEASE IGNORE THIS THREAD

I have been recently using an XT live which I'm happy with & love to bits & would love to explore in my studio & get something smaller & more compact for live work

the PP looks ideal & also considering I use the bassman setting 4 times with different FX on each patch. I run a boss GE7, bespeco volume, cry baby wah & sometimes (pending on mood) MXR P100 & boss octaver before the pod.

I run into the PA for the majority of my gigs & occasionally get to use my musicmen

anybody care to say something good, bad???? I aint bought it yet

laters folks

Line six is shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:


Very impressed with the size of that thing, was really looking into to supplement/replace my software modeller. Some of the tones are great, some are not so hot, but I think with all modellers you gotta tweak em to suit your own needs.
Is the only advantage over the old version the size?

it doesn't appear to be imediately as programmable as the XT live but that's no biggy as I have my sounds pretty much down pat for live work

Having looked at the L6 forum pages re:PP there are fiddly things & niggles but for me once it's set I hardly touch it

The main advantage of the PP for me is the size. 1 6th of a band & it's amazing how much one values a foot of floor space
my XT straight to a desk is amazingly good sounding I don't miss the amp at all

I have a cheapy monitor from thomann (the box range) & it kicks my head off for foldback

also I can run acoustic, bass, mandolin, comb & paper etc etc through it

I run my acoustic into a raven labs preamp & into the XT

I also have a plethora (what a great word!!!!) of stompificators to run along with the XT when I play electric
Haven't heard the PP. I would warn you against listening to the POD bashers. Use the tool that does the job and pleases your ear.
aha for the hell of it

bass pod (kidney)
bass XT live
Pod V2
Pod XT live
AX2 212 combo
Ampfarm V1
Variaxe 700 guitar

& soon to be a PP

I used to have a flextone III 300watt head:eek:
I was at a benefit gig yesterday and one of the best leads tones that I heard was a guy with a Strat and a Tele that was running into a Pod and into a MusicMan amp with 4 10's. By the way every one was using that MusicMan amp, and the other lead guys were using effects as well, so it says a lot for the Pod..
I was at a benefit gig yesterday and one of the best leads tones that I heard was a guy with a Strat and a Tele that was running into a Pod and into a MusicMan amp with 4 10's. By the way every one was using that MusicMan amp, and the other lead guys were using effects as well, so it says a lot for the Pod..

You're needed in the mp3 mix clinic!!!

used the pocket beastie tonight for the first time & for my purposes within the function band & other noisier gigs it's perfect. Gives me pretty good control over the most obviously needed parameters Effects louder, Quieter, faster, Drive & channel volume

compromises resulting in benefits in a lot of ways. It's awkward to change sound quickly so I have my Vox valvetone crunch pedal, MXR phase 100 (in the absence of phaser!!!!!), Boss GE7 & a crybaby.

It wouldn't do for quiter gigs as it has a noise problem (havn't been on to line6 yet to discuss it) it's not huge & not noticed when playing, but between numbers:mad::mad::mad: untill I remembered the gate:):):)

all in, for the space I now have at my feet & the sounds I can access for the £69 it cost I'm happy.............

boing boing