Pop music, one big ol image

Melody master

New member
I dunno if anybodies actually mentioned the subject before, but I thought bugger, I wanna say my view on the subject.
I mean, it really makes me angry to see people like britney spears or ya know, your average pop group, or basically the whole fucking music business, trying to sell music, which has to have an image. I know its what people say is part of the the evolution, things have to change or, we ll just die, but it reeally annoys me, because, there are so many people out there who spend years of there time devoted to music, and make there music with alot of heart, and people like pop groups like 5, who basically went to some audition to look good, and now are well known artists? Erm, I thought an artist was supposed to be someone, who knew how to make music? Not someone who looks good and gets stuck on loads of peoples walls, I mean ye, if proper artists like steriophonics get stuck on peoples wals, then fine, coz there goodlooking, but, also make there own stuff with heart, and I mean look at britney spears? A 16 yr old girl, who has 40 yr old men write lryics for her? There must be something going wrong here? Well, I mean if it keeps the kids happy, then fine, but if you too have the same feelings towards the music industry, please i'd love to hear what you have to say
Music Business

You're preaching to the choir as far as I'm concerned.I'm always for Content above Form,but the truth is that those two words I typed up there go together,and just as a lot of advertising tries to connect a product with a certain image or ideal of "beatiful" or "cool",many people involved in the mass marketing of commercial music feel more confident in investing their time or money in a "product" that is as "well packaged" as possible,so the Britney Spears syndrome will probably be with us for awhile.But,you just grab the remote and find something you DO like!
i really hate that kind of music, but people can like what they want...

but what really annoys me, is that its what dominates the charts thesedays. The charts consist of goodlooking teenaged girls that are singing some song about 'their baby' which was written by someone else. And if its not that, its a all boy band who specialise in harmony and bad dance moves...

I think its time for a change...

Get over it, don't envy the shite that is around. Look at my post on selling out, it is what they have chosen and they get the reward of fame and all that comes with it. Their only real critic is themselves; they then have to keep up appearances, go to all kinds of events that do in no way relate to music, have to continually wear make-up when going out (girls/boys/men/women) and are judged on their image. If the public who own them do not get what they want back (more of the same) then they will move onto the next manufactured act.

Would you want that plastic life?, I wouldn't; I mean sure the money is nice but that's about all it is-actually that's all there is.

What have they to fall back on if they don't succeed, no talent after all; I suppose there's always modelling.

Me, I picked up the guitar to play music and enjoy myself.

Having money but living in a prison-good luck to 'em, I hope they fall flat on their fuckin' faces, the lot of 'em.
that is a very interesting answer, and yet, a very true one. I never thought of it like that, but yeah, I'm damn sure I wouldn't like a life like that, and same as you, I started keyboard, because I enjoy it, and do the things I want to do with it, but once again, another question is asked, Why the fuck are they called boy/girl bands, when neither of them can play an instrument? Because lets face it, its easy for the music business to find someone goodlooking, and all they have to do is teach them to dance etc. And wahey!! Another chart topping success! No, I wouldn't life like theres, and like you, I hope one day, I hope they end up living in boxes, not that thats a good thing, but it'll teach them that good looks isn't what music is, Music is an artform, an inspiration for others, it isn't however someone who can sit in a chair for 5 hours, putting on eye shadow, without blinking.

I hope the music industry reads this!!!!!
It's all bullshit. All it is, is some exec sitting in an office thinking of a way to make money.

"Hey, I got this great idea! We'll get five good-looking guys that can sing a little, teach 'em to dance, put out a record and little girls everywhere will eat it up!"

Frightening isn't it? I guess this is what separates us from the "hot, new artists", huh? It's definitely a line I won't cross.

You know, this is an issue of integrity. It really says something. Life isn't about money. We, here at recording dot com, have life. I'm willing to take my chances with my integrity than add to the accounts of the "execs".

Be patient and full of integrity, friends.

Take Care,

Don't blame the industry. They just want to make money. They'll release whatever sells.

Don't blame Britney. Would you rather be some dumb slut or a famous, rich singer/dancer on MTV? Cuz that's what she'd be without her record deal. I think most of us would choose the latter.

Blame the ppl who buy the music. They are the ones who propel all the bullshit we hear on the radio.

In my observations, the ppl who like all this crap are generally non-musicians. The less ppl know about music, the more they like that pop crap on TV. The more ppl know about music, the less they like the pop crap.

So let's all go out and teach everyone we know how to play an instrument. Teach them for free, but with the condition that after they have learned enough they have to go out and teach at least 5 people... like a chain letter.

Then the hole world will be more musically educated and less ppl will buy the pop crap we are seeing on TV, and that will result in less of the stuff being around. Hence, THE END OF POP CRAP.

Sorry I'm having a very boring day at work........

MrLip said:
I can see what you mean, and ye, it's true that alot of the people I know who listen to the stuff, can't play instruments.In a way, there is no way out from this pop image, because as prophet said, it's all about some bloke coming up with the idea, and knowing people will like it, it's true, the man will use marketing techniques, such as serveys and charts, to find out what people will want, so, he knows what the people want. I can see what you mean by saying it's the people who buys are who keeping it to the market, but, really, in my opnion it isn't, because that's there own natrual feeling towards the music, and in way, like alot of feelings, they can't help it if they like the music, which is why once again, I blame it on the music industry, because, it's them who knows how to do it, and as long as they know how to do it, they're are gonna keep doing it. We my freinds, and really, I am being very serious when I say this, have gotta come up with a way to make people understand the true meaning of music yet again, before its truly turned into, what it is becoming rapidly, An IMAGE.

PeAcE MeLoDy MaStEr (mind you there will be no peace if I hear 'Opps I did it again' On the radio one more time!)
I believe that to be a misquote.

but I get what you're saying.

Promotion is what sells things. Play it on the radio enuf and ppl will buy it (generally speaking).

It's beyond their control.

They can't help it.

They're responding to a feeling.

They buy more, so the industry produces more. And the cycle continues.

It's called a vicious circle. (not sure about the spelling)

We are all doomed.
Clearing a few things up:

-They are not bands, they are groups.

-Singles chart is no barometer of success to proper musicians-the albums chart is.

-All the so called boy/girl groups have a combined IQ of 5.

-To envy their riches is a weakness.

-they spend more time at the gym than the recording studio.

-once you hear them talk in an interview you can't but laugh.

-they are all past their sell-by date.
I was thinking about all of this and I realize that the people marketing the crap don't have any honest intentions for the good of art. I don't think it's the people that buy this stuff as much as it is the industry being willing only to release what worked the last time... They don't care about putting different sounds on the radio. I bet we know many musicians and artists that would easily become a part of the mainstream if they were introduced into the mainstream. It's not done because it's too risky for the men in suits.
MrLip said:
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA, SORRY!!!!! Couldn't help but laugh my arse of at the last bit in your saying!! 'WE are all doomed!!!!' hahahahaha, too bloody right we are!!

Oh please mr music industry read this post, let it be known what us fellow musicans feel for your fucking money making scheemes! Let us be heard, and not only will we make you alot of money, but we can change this world! Please, as myself, as a musican, want to change this world with music that will help and heal, not music that will make things worse. If you know what I mean! Hey kids! Lets all listen to a song that tells each other to fuck off! As in delphies and (dunno the name) crap song 'Hey stick you' Great song........... Erm.....hmmmmm...er...ok

PeAcE MeLoDy MaStEr
well what an issue eh?? well basically the music industry is exactly what it says it is, an industry. So whats the point spending money on something that wont bring you a return?? I totally realize where a lot of people are coming from when they say "why dont record companies produce good music for a change" , but they must , cos shit it sells!! I always sit there and give boyzone heaps of shit , but at the end of the day they r doing quite well for themselves and people are buying there stuff so good on em... well we all know its not 'their' stuff! I would like to make a carreer out of recording music , yet if my views towards some music was so bias , then surely this could have an impact on the final sound of the song .. so i really try to listen to everything i hear on the radio and not just judge it on who it is or the style of music it is , more how well its constructed and how good i think the production values are..And most the time there all pretty damn good. Some of britney spears stuff is quite good , if u can look past how it is all fabricated and actually start looking at how well it is all fabricated. It is a product that we the consumer have a choice of buying and i think its good to see that a lot of what is out there is rather well produced. Well hope no one wants to kill me yet ...lol , but really we still have a good choice with what comes from a lot of the independent labels .. well i think we should just either like whats in the top 40 or stick to our cds ...

[Edited by Spider on 08-26-2000 at 00:30]
I would like to know how many groups, bands or whatsoever write their own stuff.
The members of boy/girlie groups often appear as co-writers of their songs, but in my opinion that's just a trick to tell the audience: look at them, they can't just dance, jump around and sing a bit... they composed parts of their songs - WOW!!!

"they spend more time at the gym than the recording studio. "
that's damn true, Krystof01!

I just buy self-composed music
won't change music industry, but makes me feel better :-)

don't give up
Spider said:
I really can see what your saying here, but I still fell that's now music, well it is, in some ways, but not in others. Fair enough not all of it is rubbish, ye, true, I must admit, I have myself liked a few boyzone tunes in the past, and think now, a couple of them are actually doing well for themselves actually writting there own stuff.
But at the end of the day. Music is from the heart, is it not? Onhestly, I can understand your view saying that britney spears as well, the tunes are nicely composed, totally agree. But I still have this horrible feeling in side, that it's just not from the heart. I heard once from a freind of mine from work, who listens to paul wellar, and had seen a couple of his concerts, and said that he sang it with so much energy, he said it was so uplifting, he onhestly couldn't stop going on about it. He then told me of a time when he saw people doing covers for him, and he said it was absolute pants, because that when they were singing, he said they just didn't look as though they were singing it with energy, they just sang, "ye surely" he said, "They were singing, but they just didn't look as though they were being the music" If you know what I mean. The point i'm trying to get across, is that, there isn't much of this now days, because of thses pop acts rulling, I mean sure, it's alot of fun, but wouldn't alot of people actually feel the music, rather than just listen to it? I hope you can understand what I am saying, and i totally agree with what you are saying, it is a music industry, and that's what they produce, but I hope one day we can see people with emotionally strong music such as neil young, or the eagles.

I hope people can understand that!! I just went on a right emotionally one myself!

PeAcE MeLoDy MaStEr
i know what your saying melody , i believe that is where music began , from the heart.. many moons ago there would have been a group of merry men round a camp fire singing a few old tunes .. this is what your talking about really isnt it .. when music was there to simply make us happy .. and i spose now its still there to serve the same purpose , just now it makes many more people happy .. But i totally agree that the industry has lost that feel , hey not that im old enough to know what the 'good ol days' were like. But i know if you truly want some soul and meaning in the music you listen to , you may just have to look a little deeper than the music we listen to on the radio. Theres some great stuff we can buy though , im even starting to listen to some fairly produced albums lately , check out Lene Marlin , anyone listened to her?? Perhaps for true soul we have to play our own music , its worked before .. and theres nothing better than going and seeing a local band .. But honestly i look at whats out there to choose from and i have no problems choosing something i like .. i may not hear it on the radio everyday , but then again if i did there would be no point buying the album would there ?
So has anyone recorded or produced any mainstream music? I think (for me anyway) it would be quite a challenge..but worth it .. Im happy with the industry so far , EXEPT CD PRICES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is possible to have music that is both valid artistically and extremely attractive to non musicians.Personal tastes aside,the Beatles,especially the early stuff,and ABBA are very good examples of this.I;m sure there are other more recent examples,but I don't have that much time to listen these days.
I agree, Virtual Ray. I don't think it's out of the question to make records that retain artistic value and are popular. However, I don't feel like any of the bands that I like are popular and artistically valid. I think that what's going on is just a cycle that occurs in a current way every decade. Would I be out of line saying that the titles that Spears and the Back-Sync Boys hold were once in the hands of groups like Ratt, Poison, and Warrant?

Corporate Rock...

Corporate Pop?

I don't know... What do you guys think?