Room shape and Acou treatment...


New member
Hey guys, I am getting to my room treatments, but am not sure exactly what to do. I am very inexperienced with all the room modes and calculators, etc..., but can you check out my pics and diagram and tell me if my idea's sound good? Thanks

That's the diagram and photo of my control room. I was planning on putting a large 1/4' plywood curved difusor on the back wall between the two doors. Would this be effective? Should it be sealed with fiberglass insul behind it? Also, should the front angle down some?

Next I was going to use 2" rigid fiberglass (once I find a supplier) on the walls and ceiling, but I'm not sure what to make. I was thinking of replacing some of my ceiling tiles with rigid fiberglass. They all have varying space above them ranging from about 3" to probably up to 18". As you can see from the diagram, I have little space for a corner bass trap at the back of my room. Is there something else I can do in place of corner traps? As for the front, I was thinking 2" rigid fiberglass spanning the corners behind my monitors as well as the side corners. Is simply mounting a sheet of fiberglass on 2x2s the best method?

Any other suggestions?

Those are my vocal booth. It is an understair closet currently covered in carpet padding. I have no clue here. So any suggestions would be great.

I'll be back later with a diagram of my drum room. I think I have big problems there. But here's a photo. It was just a start (with the auralex I got for cheap), but I think I'm gonna take it down and fix my parallel walls before I put it back up.

> I am very inexperienced with all the room modes and calculators <

Mode calculators do you little good since the room is already built. If you could move the walls or start from scratch, then determining the best dimensions for modes makes sense.

Your other suggestions - diffuser, corner bass traps, etc. - all sound reasonable. Besides the great advice you'll get here and on John Sayers' SAE site, you should read the FAQ article for my Acoustics forum here:

Ethan Winer
Thanks Ethan,

I guess I was under the impression that room calculators told you what problems you had with the existing room so you could correct them.

I think, I will go ahead with the curved diffusor (still wondering if it should be sealed, or just open and packed with fiberglass, also if it should tilt forward at all to diffuse sound down as well as out). I also want to use some rigid on the walls and ceiling, but not sure how. I'll have to reread your page and see if I can get some ideas.

> I guess I was under the impression that room calculators told you what problems you had with the existing room so you could correct them. <

Yes, that's the idea. The problem is you never want frequency-specific treatment anyway, so there's little relevance in knowing the modes. At least that's my take on it.

> still wondering if it should be sealed, or just open and packed with fiberglass ... I'll have to reread your page <

There's no need to seal curved plywood, but you do want to pack something absorbent behind it.


I was just looking at your website. I was reading about the 703 and 705. I had been think of replacing my 2x2 ceilings with this for a while now. If I did this in the main mixing area (the raised ceiling in the diagram) as every other 703 and every other 705, would this work well? Or, should I do the whoel room that way? Maybe do a mix of 703, 705 and standard tiles? I don't know if I mentionsed this before, but the air gap behind my ceiling tiles ranges from about 3" to about 18".
BookSix - You wont find rigid fiberglass at places like HomeDepot and Lowe's.
Try looking in the Yellow Pages under "Insulation Suppliers".

I couldn't get your links to work. Seems to be typical of Yahoo, but I'd really like to check out your photos!
Yeah, I know. But thanks. I've been checking with local contractors and suppliers. There was also an online place that said theey'd sell and ship (someone post them here) but I haven't heard back from them.

If you want, I'll email you the pics and diagrams. I'd love for you to look at them and give me your input. Let me know. YOu could even email me at and let me know, and I'll send them in a response. Thanks again!

BTW, whats a better place to put pictures than Yahoo? I was just there and I see now why they kinda suck. THey don't let you link outside of geocities.
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Ethan's been quite restrained about promoting it -- but his site, is now selling 703 and 705 on the web.


> every other 703 and every other 705 <

Much better is to leave the ceiling grid intact, and just replace the existing tiles with 2'x2' pieces of 2-inch 705-FRK.


> I couldn't get your links to work. <

I don't know why, but if you right-click on any of those links and select Save As, you can save the photos to your hard drive.


I did plan on keeping the grid in 2x2 form, but I was just wondering what would be the best combination of panels. So should I do the entire ceiling and get rid of all the standard ceiling tiles? Also, I will cover all the rigid fiberglass, but should some on the ceiling have the backing facing out and some the fiberglass side facing out?
geocities doesn't allow direct link from other sites.

Simple copy and paste the link in to another broswer.
Originally posted by
One is type 703 one inch thick, and the other is 705-FRK two inches thick. Besides being twice as thick, the 705-FRK is also twice as dense as 703. This makes it better suited for lower frequencies, though at the expense of slightly less absorption at higher frequencies.

I'm confused, based on your table it seem like the 703 aborb more high freq and the 705 absorb more lower freq.

How do you read that?

> what would be the best combination of panels. <

For maximum bass absorption use 705-FRK with the metalized paper facing down (into the room). If you cover the exposed paper side of the panels with felt or some other semi-heavy fabric it will absorb the highs that the paper backing tends to reflect.


> based on your table it seem like the 703 aborb more high freq and the 705 absorb more lower freq. <

705 absorbs more than 703 overall because it's denser. But as fiberglass is made more dense the surface becomes harder and so reflects the highs a little more. More to the point, the 705-FRK has a metalized paper cover bonded to the fiberglass, and that's what's really responsible for reducing HF absorption. If you flip it around so the bare fiberglass faces the room, the HF absorption goes up a lot. But then it's less effective at low frequencies.

Ok, so I'll get a good range of absorbtion and control using all 705 with the backing facing out, but covered? Sounds good. Off to the phonebook again! Then I need to find a mirror! :D
Bunch of jerks!! Can't find anyone around here that will sell to a non-contractor. But I'm gonna try to get in touch with a couple of contractor I know and see if they can hook me up!

Unitl then, no one has said anything about my vocal booth (pics above and it's in the diagram). Is there any suggestions for treatment in there? Will just 2" auralex spaced on the walls be good (since I can get it really cheap?