where do I put my acoustic panels?


New member
I've recently designed this . it's basically my room. but in this i put some acoustic panels just to create that studio environment!
in fact, now in my room , there are no acoustic panels on the walls.

my question is.... where do i put the panels (rockwool) based on these images?
meu quarto 2013-06-11_04-53-39.pngmeu quarto 2013-06-11_04-54-27.pngmeu quarto 2013-06-11_04-54-53.pngmeu quarto 2013-06-11_04-55-17.png
Are these 4" thick bass traps you are talking about? How many do you have? The celing-2wall and floor-2wall corners on the wall where the guitars are at for a start. The reflection points on the walls to the left and right of the mixing desk. The corners of the wall behind the mixing desk. The ceiling above the mixing desk.