MOBILEPRE USB (1st GEN) clicks and pops


New member
Hey guys,

I am having some issues with my old mobilepre usb (1st gen).

it seems to monitor fine, I can hear myself on the mic crystal clear. But when I record and play back I get evil clicks and pops. Sometime I have speed changes as well. I have tried this in both cubase and windows sound recorder. I also tried to use a virtual PC to run XP and hook it up that way but that doesn't seem to work either.

From my understanding this is a big issue that keeps happening with usb preamps.

Anyone have a clue how I could fix this? I really don't want to have to fork out some more cash to get a new one.


Pops and clicks on recordings are generally either a driver issue or a hardware conflict.

Has it worked properly in the past and just started this or have you had problems since you got it?

In either case, the first thing to try is either updating the drivers or reinstalling them if there are no updates. If that fails, (and particularly if this is a recent problem with a previously reliable bit of gear, try a system restore back to a time when things worked as they should.
thanks for the reply,

It has previously worked on another PC. But that was running XP 32 bit. I have yet to get it to run on this PC. I have tried the newer and the older drivers. I may dig out my old PC to see if it'll run on that or not. But that wont work as an end solution. I don't want to be switching between pcs.
Can I guess from your phrasing that your "new" computer is running something like Windows 7 64 bit?

If so, and if M-Audio haven't issued proper drivers for the older Mobile Pre, you may be out of luck.

Another thing you could try might be installing Asio4All and using that as your driver--not an ideal solution but it might do for now.
sorry, yes I am running win 7 64 bit.

M-audio lists a driver for it, and that is the one I have tried. However, there is also some issues stated on their forums with their USB preamps working with newer OS like win 7 64.

Noob question, should I have both drivers? the M-audio driver for my preamp, And the Asio4all? Or should I remove my m-audio driver and just use the asio4all? For some reason I think the preamp wont work without the M-uadio driver as well.
Asio4All SHOULD be able to make your Mobile Pre work without the M-Audio driver. The main purpose is to allow you to use hardware for which there isn't a manufacturer's driver (though it gets used as a general fix for a lot of other issues too).

Worth a try anyway.
I think I kinda solved it. I deleted all my drivers. apparently I had two drivers for the mobilepre and the ASIO4all driver. I rebooted, the reinstalled the correct mobilepre driver. then rebooted again. and it seems to work fine. At least for windows sound recording. Cubase seems to have issues with accepting it right away though. For some reason I just leave cubase on with the preamp plugged in and eventually cubase will start to notice it. That's after about 3 mins of the program running. I know it's not a system issue with ram or processing speed because I am running a new gaming pc with 16 gigs of ram and a i7 2600k processor.

Now if I can just figure out what to change in cubase.