Integrating my computer with a Tascam DP-008EX?


New member
Hi all,
I am about to pull the trigger on this little Tascam.
I cannot find if/how I could import things/play live from my computer software onto a track. I am thinking of laying down drums and some keyboards from Reason or Logic , but having my guitar, bass and voice directly into the Tascam.
I guess this is possible, but cannot see for sure...
And will there be latency issues in the process? (which is one of the reasons I am moving across)
Thanks in advance
So assuming you have a computer that you can use for this already, I'm not even sure of why you're looking at this....
So assuming you have a computer that you can use for this already, I'm not even sure of why you're looking at this....

No, it appears you don't know why ...but you assume I may not need it?

I need it for recording my guitar and bass which my computer doesn't do very well at due to loads of latency that I can never live with or get around.

Therefore this would get around that issue but I would still like to add some keyboard and percussion etc from my computer software...

Now you know why I need it, does that clarify?
What are you using for an interface?
I'm using a focusrite saffire pro40. I have ZERO latency since im using the direct monitoring mix software.

I think adressing your latency issues would be more beneficial rather than buying something else to work around it.
I have a pretty old (2005) M-Audio Mobile Pre.

What would be a decent value for money interface that could really make a difference?
I have a pretty old (2005) M-Audio Mobile Pre.

What would be a decent value for money interface that could really make a difference?

The Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 has the lowest latency you are likely to get for £150 and you would probably have to double that to beat it.

But, both Focusrite and Tascam have very new interfaces out now and could be worth a look.

Looks like the MobilePre (and all of M-Audio's USB devices) was USB 1.0. The old USB 1.0 devices were kind of train wrecks as a whole. It's no wonder there are latency issues with it :)

There are a ton of solid entry-level interfaces out there that use the much-much-much better USB 2.0 standard. Behringer U-phoria units start around $30-$40, Alesis iO2 starts around $100, Focusrite Scarlett starts around $150, and those are just a few. Head over to a site like Sweetwater, browse the audio interfaces, and you can restrict options by number of inputs/outputs and price if you like.

Things have come a long way since 2005 :)
Mind you Mr T, I had a USB 1.1 Fast track pro and that was fine. Son ran an Evo keyboard controller into it and latency was very low with the Evolution software sampler program. Son still uses the Pro over in la belle France.

Of course computers were pretty slow as well 11 years ago!

I came across the same question

Update to this... Current, Dec' issue of Sound on Sound have a review if the new 2i2 and the 8i Mtracker.
They confirm that the latency is now very low and the old control software dumped for something much more friendly.
