Thrash Metal Song


New member
I need to get some input on this song. I just recorded a thrash metal band.

looking for feedback on the mastering of this song.

thanks guys

ps. The master bus in Sonar I used the following (Altares Tube, sonifx multiband compressor) which I exported to a stereo mix (24bit 44.1khz). I used T-Racks to master the song, which I then opened the file in wavelab to apply Waves L2.
IMO - guitars are too low end
snare too mellow.. bad room sound

as for the mastering its hard to tell
(but i dont like t-racks either)

The guitars sound a little "transistory". There's a little too much high end and not enough mids.

The snare sounds like the snare bed is too tight. That's the drummers fault, not yours. Not much you can do now that its recorded.

The vocals and bass sound really good. Guitars should be easy to fix.
PhilGood said:
The guitars sound a little "transistory". There's a little too much high end and not enough mids.

The snare sounds like the snare bed is too tight. That's the drummers fault, not yours. Not much you can do now that its recorded.

The vocals and bass sound really good. Guitars should be easy to fix.
thanks for the info. The guitar was recorded using two sm57 (one on center and the other off center) and one direct in. I think the grainy sound was from them using the digitech metalmaster pedals. I wanted them to use the distortion of their Marshall half stacks. The snare is totally repairable. I ended using drumagog to replace the kick and snare. You should have heard what the drum set really sounded like. I will look at adding more mids and cutting some of the highs.

here is the unmastered version (right off of Sonar)

PhilGood said:
The guitars sound a little "transistory". There's a little too much high end and not enough mids.

The snare sounds like the snare bed is too tight. That's the drummers fault, not yours. Not much you can do now that its recorded.

The vocals and bass sound really good. Guitars should be easy to fix.

I took PhilGood's advice. I remixed and remastered the song.

jmxdrummer said:
I took PhilGood's advice. I remixed and remastered the song.

I think the vocals are too prominant. After listening a little more, they're not TOO prominant, but right at the beginning of the song before you get used to it they sound a little too much in front for my taste.

Snare is a little buried.

Guitars sound a bit fizzy and undefined during the fast palm muting.
thanks Chris, I will work on the snare. I will also try to clean up the guitar sound to try to lessen the fuzz. If i had a choice, I would have had the band redo the guitars.

every bit of advice or comments helps.
jmxdrummer said:
I remixed and remastered the song.

Wow! Guitars sound much better. More in the thrash vein! Drums are better too. I'd like to hear more of the slap of the kick and a tad more low end as well.

Keep it up!