Instrumental Guitar tune - EVH tribute?

Hey all! I started working on a little instrumental to test out a new guitar when EVH suddenly passed away... I decided to put some two handed tapping stuff in as a nod to Eddie. But it mostly just sounds like me. :)

Any comments on composition or mix appreciated? Maybe it needs more tracks? LOL


  • Northern Ash Mix 2 master.mp3
    4.8 MB · Views: 35
Hey can you repost? I’m having difficulty playing the track. Thanks. Ben.

EDIT: I am now able to play this (it wouldn't open on my ipad for some reason).

Mix sounds really nice to my ears. Sounds quite Gary Moore. Nice tone! What sort of setup do you have? Are you using an eventide harmoniser on the guitar starting around the 3 min mark? Kind of reminds me of some of Vai's stuff.
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The guitar is a brand new Jackson SL4X, and I love it! :-)

Usually I record the guitar direct in, and process through Amplitube. This time I tried mic'ing my Traynor YCV-80 amp with the guitar going through a VooDoo Labs Sparkle Drive. That sounded ok, but I ended up doing a mix of both those methods.

I never use a harmonizer. The harmony on the lead part is two guitar tracks, and the harmony in the "chorus" part is 3 guitars. During the chorus there are 8 guitar tracks plus bass! I think I always go kind of overboard on tracks...

Thanks very much for commenting!

Hey can you repost? I’m having difficulty playing the track. Thanks. Ben.

EDIT: I am now able to play this (it wouldn't open on my ipad for some reason).

Mix sounds really nice to my ears. Sounds quite Gary Moore. Nice tone! What sort of setup do you have? Are you using an eventide harmoniser on the guitar starting around the 3 min mark? Kind of reminds me of some of Vai's stuff.
Nice work. I like the key change in the B section at 1:50. Keyboard section that followed was a bit interesting. I couldn't tell exactly what to focus on; I was kind of waiting to see if the keys were taking center stage or ... I don't know. Seemed a bit odd.

I agree with bendbones that it has hints of Vai for sure. I think if one section could be tightened up, it would be the ending. It seems to just kind of peter out a bit.

Anyway, nice tones and some nice lines. Thanks for sharing.
Here's a more refined mix I think. Gotta get started on this year's Christmas tune!


  • Northern Ash Mix 3 master.mp3
    6.4 MB · Views: 35
Some really cool stuff here :thumbs up: What drum samples are you using? Is it a particular Toontrack sound expansion kit? Also what is the chain on the bass?
Some really cool stuff here :thumbs up: What drum samples are you using? Is it a particular Toontrack sound expansion kit? Also what is the chain on the bass?

It's Easy Drummer 2, Modern kit, and the modern vintage preset. The Squire Jaguar bass just goes into my Steinberg UR 22 interface and is then processed through Amplitube.
Damn, I still can't get it to play on my phone. I'll try again from home system when able.
Sounds superb. I got nothing for you. Fantastic musicianship, composition, arrangement, melodies. Very sympathetic. Nice open mix too.Great job