Art In The Fire - New Song

Mister M

Musician and School Teach
Hey guys,

Just finished this recording and am looking for some feedback on the mix. Your usual wisdom is appreciated.

Download link is below.



Art In The Fire
Sounds good overall. Nice vibe!

The first thing that drew my attention was the volume of the drums and vocals.
In the opening verse it seems like the drums thump through and the vocal doesn't carry as well.

As it went on I wasn't sure....There's seems to be a bit of a wash of mud throughout all the distorted guitar tracks that make the thing feel unfocussed.

Performances are solid and the vocals are great. Maybe there's a bit of eqing that could clean up the rhythm and let everything have it's place?

Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Steenamaroo,

I think I know what you are point toward, both with the vocal in the first verse and the "mud" with the guitar. I appreciate the comments-gives me something good to go with.

Interestingly, after listening to it again, in light of your comment...there were a few things I changed, EQ wise, because I second guessed myself, shortly before I posted the song. I often have certain tendencies when mixing that I was trying to avoid and I think I went too far the other way on a couple of them.

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I thought this sounded great overall. The only thing I'd improve if it was my baby was some of the vocals in the verses are a bit out of tune. I love the overall sound of your voice though. Awesome song!
What comes through most clearly is the drums and the vocal, then the guitars, and last of all the bass. The guitars could use more definition (delay instead of reverb?), and the bass might benefit from some distortion and more volume.
Good track and great mix! Really punchy. Are those real drums?! My guess is no but they sound good. The style of this reminds me of the 90's. I like the 90's so that's alright. I don't think there's anything objectionable in the vocal or the guitar tone. I'd be very happy with this. Sounds really loud and clear.
tThanks Dobro and Hurtchow...

I made some adjustments to the mix based on lots of the suggestions here and on *cough* another forum and I think it is at least a little bit more on the right track...tried to clean things up a bit.

hurtchow...they are not real drums, they were done with EZ drummer. It was kind of a 90s vibe that I was going for when I wrote it.