
Anybody here seen "Moneyball" [the Movie]? It's about a bunch of pious Baseball scouts [ie. pro sound engineers], who are confronted with a new 21st century, computerized, mathematical thinking about their organization's approach to team player drafting and analysis, and who are are bent on deterring anything, or anybody that will make them lose their "expert" scouting livelihood! In other words... they will lie, cheat, and keep quiet about the truth, in order to preserve their jobs! That is exactly what is happening on these "high browed" recording forums, when you have a sincere person try to understand the mastering process - that they want to maintain their monopoly on [for the sake of filthy lucre, and greedy motives]! Ultimately, in one of the scenes in the movie, Brad Pitt [plays the general manager], tells the near do wells from the old order to "adapt, or die"!

Don't believe anything they say, folks! The future is coming, and sound is math! They will do anything to keep regular guys [like us] from making their trade obsolete! Adapt or die, fellows! Bill

I should comment that you can have all the tools in the world but if you don't have the talent to use them you will still turn out crap. The skills are not kept secret, they are learned by trial, error and experience.

Anybody here seen "Moneyball" [the Movie]? It's about a bunch of pious Baseball scouts [ie. pro sound engineers], who are confronted with a new 21st century, computerized, mathematical thinking about their organization's approach to team player drafting and analysis, and who are are bent on deterring anything, or anybody that will make them lose their "expert" scouting livelihood! In other words... they will lie, cheat, and keep quiet about the truth, in order to preserve their jobs! That is exactly what is happening on these "high browed" recording forums, when you have a sincere person try to understand the mastering process - that they want to maintain their monopoly on [for the sake of filthy lucre, and greedy motives]! Ultimately, in one of the scenes in the movie, Brad Pitt [plays the general manager], tells the near do wells from the old order to "adapt, or die"!

Don't believe anything they say, folks! The future is coming, and sound is math! They will do anything to keep regular guys [like us] from making their trade obsolete! Adapt or die, fellows! Bill

Sound is math but music isn't necessarily so.

Anybody here seen "Star Trek: Voyager" [the TV show]? Its about a bunch of folks from the future that get stuck way out in space and have all sorts of crazy adventures. One day, they come across a population bent on mathematics and have never heard music before. In other words, their lives kinda suck [IMO]. The doctor of the Voyager crew [he's a hologram with a personality] is overheard singing and the population of this planet want to make him famous on their world - a kind of Pavarotti. So he decides to leave the crew and join the population of this planet but when he arrives, he discovers that they've cloned him and "improved" upon his music. They've made the songs perfectly mathematical - in essence, made them perfectly nonsensical and unlistenable - and the doctor returns to his ship, sad that he's not famous but glad to be away from that horrible "music".

Perfectly mathematical music sounds terrible. Mixes made from a purely mathematical standpoint would likely be just as bad. The future is here and adapting means trying and testing new technologies but choosing to keep only what moves us forward towards a Greater Art. I'm a regular guy [like you] and ultimately, I will learn and adapt - but I will not listen to harbingers of doom talking nonsense.

Naysayers and ne'er do wells, unite! Keep using your ears and let your mixes do the talking.