need suggestion on audio interface please


hey,whats up? i currently use a tdw20 with a motu 828mk3 firewire hybrid interface. i'm thinking of getting rid of this interface and getting something different. what i use on the interface now is 8 analog ins (for my direct outs), midi i/o on the back, and two mic instrument ins in front. the unit also has 2 head phone outs in front. can any one give me some ideas of a new interface that match these features?
i find it a bit confusing. i'm a newbie and before the motu i started with a fast track pro but i wanted to utilize my 8 direct outs on my roland tdw 20 plus midi i/o and have at least two mic instrument inputs so i could record all my drums on individual tracks plus say a bass player and a guitar player at the same time.
Hmm, alright. Well what are you looking to spend? A simpler interface will probably be a step down in quality, MOTU interfaces are pretty nice. Maybe you should just spend some time getting to know the MOTU before you decide to sell it. I have a feeling in a year or so you will start to feel a bit limited by your new "simpler" interface and will wish you had the MOTU back.

Anyways, look into the Tascam US-1800. It's really simple, seems to have meet most of your requirements, and gets good reviews.
I agree with guitarplayr82.

Confusing? How so?

I have an 828mkII. Plugged it in and haven't changed a setting.
Are you getting too involved in making cuemixes?
(Sometimes it's best to just use basic functions and not get wrapped up in the bells-and-whistles...)
one problem is i don't know if i have to use cue mix with logic pro. another problem is that when using inst/mic inputs my signals are either clipping or too hot. the trim next to these inputs does not cut back it only boost your signal from +0 to +53. so how do i get a lets say -12 recording level in logic if my signal can not get cut back at all.
From what I can see, cuemix would be useful for making headphone mixes and the like, but I never use it.
It's not necessary for recording; Consider it an extra set of tools.

It does have some options like flicking between -10db + +4db operation etc, but these can all be adjusted in the interface settings anyway. (The actual knobs on the front of the MOTU).

With regard to the gain thing, taking your other thread into account, I think either your unit is faulty, or your pickups just happen to have very high output.
Try someone else's (standard) guitar, and if you still have the problem, I'd contact MOTU.
hey steenamaroo, how ya doing? i kept on motus back and they said to send it out . the said they tested it with different guitars and they all peaked at around -12db since then i bought a used laguna bass model number being LB200. it's an active bass and i believe the bottom of the line model , so i don't think the pick ups are high out put. this bass does not clip but the signal is past -12 db. heres a video that you haven't seen and it is my friends ibanez with i think dimarzio pick upsand going straight into cuemix (aka 828mk3) Screen Recording motu clipping - YouTube
Hi Gamba
I'm a Logic user with 2x PCI-e MOTU interfaces and have never even opened up cuemix.
All my routing is done within Logic.

the problem is basically when i'm not clipping i'm getting too hot of a signal to record at . the 828mk3 does not have an attenuation knob nor a pad for instrument use. it does provide a pad for mics using an xlr . i don't know anything about these but i was suggested getting a direct box. can any one let me know about this suggestion.would it let me to attenuate my high out put signal? and do they make any with a knob that you can dial how much attenuation you want intsead of being stuck with say two choices of -20 and -40. please help... anyone