strap buttons


New member
Just bought an Ibanez classical guitar. It does not have buttons for a strap and I would like to install some. Tips? Any advice of what to do/not to do? I do not want to damage it so I'm taking extra precaution. Thanks.
What you need is a Classical Guitar Strap NOT strap buttons. Do a search on "classical guitar strap" and you will find them at pretty much every on-line store. They Go around your neck and hook on to the sound hole and wrap around underneath the guitar. Sounds a little wierd but you can see how it works for Willie at A decent strap shouldn't harm the guitar. Just look at how gentle it has been to Willie's guitar.

question444 said:
Just bought an Ibanez classical guitar. It does not have buttons for a strap and I would like to install some. Tips? Any advice of what to do/not to do? I do not want to damage it so I'm taking extra precaution. Thanks.

Just put a strap button on the heel where your neck is, if you cannot do it yourself let someone with experience in all guitarmatters do this job for you. Very easy and you will not do any damage to your guitar.

Is classical not supposed to be played with a strap? Agh know the story of how the distortionbox came into this world? Just do what you feel like and if it works for you it is fine.

I personally feel that wearing a strap is very useful for getting a "good, natural" posture and helps in being free to move around whereever you need to be on the fretboard. Of course the footstool, or any other devise classical players use, is used for that purpose as well................................

Stap is a bit easier to carry around as a footstool or........................

Ooohps I have given away the secret that I am not a "dedicated" classical guitarist, just more one of those "parttimers who gooves around on a nylon string form time to time"........... :D :D

I tried a classical guitar strap at the music store. It worked much better than I thought it would. However, I believe they are intended for the classical guitarist who normally plays seated and occasionally uses a strap. Since I will mostly always play standing I decided to have the buttons put in. Plus, I like to run the cord over the strap to put less stress on the jack..that is not possible with the classical strap. He charged $5, did a great job, and even had brass to match my hardware! I also do not consider myself a "classical guitarist" but I wanted the classical sound during my solo songs in my band's set.