Fender Twin Reverb help???


New member
I was wondering if anyone had any info about the vintage Fender Twin Reverb amps. Right now I am using a 1965 reissue...but I recently got the chance to play a vintage one (i think it was an early '70s...it had the blue writing). I just fell in love with the vibrato/reverb. Can anyone send me some links to informative pages concerning the twin reverb models? that would be great.
also...are there any fender amps that have that great sounding vib/rev that I can crank up so it gets a bit dirty on its own w/out being too loud?
I understand wanting something not too loud. I had a twin reverb in my studio from a visiting guitarist and at the point where it sounded the best it was insanely loud. I use a Fender Deluxe 65 RI which I like and which breaks up at a more reasonable volume than the twin.
A friend of mine had his 70's twin modded to blackface specs, changed the speakers, and put in some good tubes. Dimed it sounds very warm (no ice pick frequencies), not too loud at all (dimed!), and has really a beautiful overdrive that's great for slow blues playing. He was going to sell it to me but I was broke as a joke. Damn!

I'd be looking into a change of speakers to drastically tame the volume.
If you want vibrato (technically "tremolo") on a lower wattage Fender amp, then you will want to check into a sliverface Vibrochamp. That'll run you about $400 or so.

I like the sound of some Fender Twins.......but overall they're just too loud for about anything i do.

soundchaser59 said:
How is changing the speakers going to tame the volume??

I've read that an increase in a speaker's sensitivity of a few db is like doubling it's power amp section. Less efficient speakers equals less volume.
I have a couple of twins, '66 & '98, and I have to agree they are quite loud. They are great (for my style playing) in live situations but too loud for studio work. For recording I mostly use a Fender Princeton Chorus, with a 2X12 cab rather than the 2 10s that came in it. It has a lot less power while retaining a very similar sound to my twin, at far less volume. This is just one option you might find worth considering, I find it works quite well.