First Ever Attempt At Close Micing Drums, What Do You Think Drummers?


New member
hey there, ive just borrowed a set of samson7kit mics, my mixer only allowed 6 so we were okay seeing as our drummer only uses two toms!

heres a list of what we used:

samson 5kit qkick, snare (i probably should have used a 58), qtoms x2, samson co2 pencil x2

wondering what you think, im really proud of my first ever attempt in a living room with a makeshift drum booth, towels hanging around the kit haha!

link below to the recording!

if that doesnt work visit :

cheers, get back asap, were doing guitars soon :]
Yeah it's really lacking room presence. Did you not use any overheads? Also, I don't think you really want a "drum booth". Take down the towels and set up some overheads, or at least a room mic.
It also sounds like you're gating everything or trying to isolate each drum separate from the others. It doesn't work that way. You need to think of the drum kit as one instrument, not a bunch of little ones.

ditto on the overheads ...and take the towels down.
The spot mics sound ok (kick and toms fairly good, snare a bit weak and ringy) but the overheads sound all fizzy and wrong (although might be MP3 compression). What mic placement are you using and have you checked they're in-phase?