Worst Drummers...

Boy, I would like to see what your favorites are.
I hate Buddy Rich! he's a mean bastard and so are you :)
Man, feel the hate.

Phil Collins is certainly very talented. Ringo was the perfect drummer for The Beatles. Lars Ulrich isn't great, but he at least had his own weird style (puts accents on the 2nd beat for cymbal hits)... so what if someone caught his cymbals in the studio? I do it for my clients all the time. Plus Neil Peart bashing... wow... what has the world come to? 20 years ago the guy was a god... I don't get it.

Hell, most drummers would sound crap if it weren't for all the compression, EQ and editing that is commonplace since the 1960's!

These days it is impossible to gauge the abilities of ANY professional musician. They are all edited to death, punched in to death, beat detective'd to death, pitch shifted and harmonized to death, and so on.

Ringo may have "sucked" but at least nobody had to put him in Beat Detective and use Sound Replacer to get an appropriate for the time sound. You can't say that about too many guys these days.

As far as drummers I think sucked:

Tom Hunting (original drummer to Exodus): most boring thrash drummer ever... just bang, bang, bang, bang, drum roll, cymbal, bang, bang....

Rikki Rocket (Poison): the drum takes on their first album are actually laughably bad, but not bad enough to be "New York Dolls bad."

Vinnie Paul (Pantera): really bad drum sound... so many triggers it makes me puke.. take the worst Lars Ulrich drum sound and amplify by ten... super predictable style.

Paul Bostaph (Forbidden/Slayer): human drum machine... very boring style.

Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater): the king of over playing without any feel or concern for song structure... which makes him fit in DT just perfectly.
First off "worst" and "greatest" is completely subjective. Ringo had rock solid timing and was very innovative for the time. He was the drummer for one of (if not) the most succesful rock and roll band ever and people will be jealous of that.

To me a great drummer knows when NOT to play and enhances a song. This is what Ringo did. His fills and general playing was extremely tasteful.

Back in the Eighties when I was into Yngwie and hair metal bands I thought guys like Stevie Ray Vaughn and Jimmy Page sucked because they werent playing a million miles an hour but then I grew up and really started to understand what good playing is.
Peter Criss of KISS is/was very average.
Meg White......just so beginner.... can she do anything but basic stuff?
Sometimes professionals are much better than they seem. On guitar,
John 5 (John Lowery) played very basic crap with Marilyn Manson, but
just released a solo album....unbelivable shredding and chickin pickin, who knew he could play those styles!
I have always thought a professional musician and a amatuer musician should be ranked on a different scale. If you can make a living playing your instrument, you have to be good.
to be honest, meg white plays the same groove in every song. all of them! even the B sides. BUT in fairness she was the drummer on the biggest selling rock record in the UK last year........

Actully thats just annoying. Stupid meg white.

Lars, well ive never really caught the hype around him.

ermmmm other people i dont like....... there aren't any i dont think.
Well Drummers who cant drum. They annoy me; Also drummers who think they are gods gift to drums as they can hit them really hard, and drummers who are thick and can only just play drums.
Not properly play. just like straight 4 etc so then other drummers get a bad name.

Btw apl. your gunna get a slating! i'll start Keith moon was a stunning drummer, no dening it! that fact that hes the best bad drummer doesnt help, he's an inspiring drummer who rocks out!

are you really saying that he's a bad drummer? have i missed something?
drummerdude666 said:
Btw apl. your gunna get a slating! i'll start Keith moon was a stunning drummer, no dening it! that fact that hes the best bad drummer doesnt help, he's an inspiring drummer who rocks out!

are you really saying that he's a bad drummer? have i missed something?

He's one of my faves, really a great drummer, but by no means was he "technically" good in a formal, high brow way, and in that sense, very bad. He was like a three year old pounding on pots, but he pulled it off. It seems Entwistle said he had to keep time because Keith would meander all over the place.
apl said:
He's one of my faves, really a great drummer, but by no means was he "technically" good in a formal, high brow way, and in that sense, very bad. He was like a three year old pounding on pots, but he pulled it off. It seems Entwistle said he had to keep time because Keith would meander all over the place.

yeh i get what you mean now. :) techincally he was a nightmare. But wow :eek: he still impresses me to this day.

I heard that once when joe morello was in London doing some sessions Keith booked a lesson with him. Joe had never heard of him but asked him to do a short drum solo to help understand what level keith was at.

He demolished the kit.

(123 posts - next target 1234 posts :cool: )
scraggs said:
OK, first of all, people have been trashing Ringo as a drummer forever, and you know what, THEY'RE ALL WRONG! Ringo played a lot of really creative stuff, always displayed good taste, sped up when the songs needed to speed up....c'mon everybody, get over it, the guy was good.

Lars Ulrich....well we all seem to agree he can't keep time live, and that he's annoying as hell. And is everyone aware that all the studio stuff is cut together like 4 bars at a time? I mean, I'm all for studio trickery, but at some point you'd think he'd have learned to play the damn drums.

Tommy Lee I actually used to like back in the day, he used to have a nice swing to his playing when he wasn't face down in a pile of coke.

Neil Peart wouldn't swing if you hung him.

Don Henley and Phil Collins are Agents of Satan and should not be mentioned at all, by anyone, ever.

Checked out Peart's work on Burning For Buddy? Not very shabby.
MadAudio said:
I'd say Cotton (aka Dumbass) from Bitch Slap.

Let's hear an unedited example of Vinnie's... err.. Cotton's playing.

Strangely enough I have some Nine Days bootlegs that might be songs from the Mixerman Diaries. That is, if BS was ND.
Unless he or she was the "William Hung" of drummers, how would you even hear about them, since they're so bad. :eek:

...How bout the worst drum sound? :p
Or how bout pretty much most 80's new wave drummers, since they we're a bunch of crappy drum machines.

I heard myself play the other day, I might be the worst drummer,... damn sorry and pathetic
LETS SEE. TOMMY LEE king of the early double bass players.he made double bass o.k. for normal use(GO BACK AND LISTEN TO THE FIRST ALBUM) along with a heavy footed single bass drum bonham kinda sound.unconventional cymbal grab chokes(NEVER DONE LIKE THAT BEFORE) . gets all the hot chicks twice. sounds like jealousy. LARS has paid his dues. PHIL RUDD HAS THE WRITE IDEA! for me if the average wanna be drummer guy at the bar cant tap his foot to my music its too wacky or complicated. brilliance in tasteful simplicity .PETER CRISS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joey jordison

i personally think joey jordison is a little over rated. hes a hell of a lot better than me but i just dont see what sets him apart from any other metal drummers.
jontflesh said:
Well I have only been playing percussion for about 20 years and I still can't stand him.
All opinion though.


Blimey, what albums have you heard that makes you hate him so much?

From a technical standpoint, he's pretty amazing. But he's mainly remembered for his work with Genesis (who are a band you either love or hate), and his solo work (by which he's remembered for that oh-so-dated gated snare sound).

If you've listened to Brand X's 'Unorthodox Behaviour,' and you still hate him, then I guess he's just not your thing. His grip on such material is fucking iron.

That said, I recall reading somewhere about either Page or Plant saying that Collins totally wrecked their set at the Live Aid concert (or whichever one it was). Don't know how true that is, but...
RecordingIdiot said:
i personally think joey jordison is a little over rated. hes a hell of a lot better than me but i just dont see what sets him apart from any other metal drummers.

yep, hes a good drummer. like you said a hell of a lot better then me also; but he's definatly over rated. so many kids just love him and you've got to think. OPEN YOUR EYES!! yeh he's fast (both hands and feet) but then there are so many more drummers out there who are better in every way. faster - better chops - better pocket.

I dunno, ive just never been very immpressed about him, never really 'got' his thing. :confused:
this is my appreciation post for all of you because no-one has mentioned the names "travis" "landon" or "barker" in the worst drummers thread. when i saw this thread title i thought that most of your posts would consist of the word crap, probably several times, and the only other words being travis and a dash. even if the rest of this thread is total travis bashing, thankyou for not including him in the previous 3 pages. i guess i wont be crying myself to sleep tonight.