Worst Drummers...

More on Lars...

I wouldn't want to be Neil Peart's wife either - er she's dead....

This whole thread is a bit on the subjective side so it's tricky to get peoples opinions in line. I was thinking about Lars while walking the dog this morning, it's not that he's really bad, it's that he's soooo over-rated. He pulls it off in the studio - go listen to "Harvester Of Sorrow" on the Justice album - he kicks my arse, but take away the click track and put him on the stage and he's all over the place. And a rock bands gotta play live right...!?

Maybe it's all the self abuse (I always said he was a wanker) but he seems to be getting worse....

You Rule, Lee!

I came into this topic prepared to defend Ringo and thrash Neil Peart, but you put it way better than I could have. Of course, I wouldn't fuck Neil Peart even if he were the best drummer in the world:D

Ringo's drumming, particularly on Revolver, is awesome.
And I kind of want to defend Lars' drumming on most of Ride the Lightning.

I have a hard time picking bad drummers mostly because they're all better than the ones I've played with.
C7 SUS, When you or anybody you know or play with writes or sings on or plays on a masterpiece like Hotel California let me know I will be the first in line to see your show.
yeah, they played it, but I'm almost certain that the Eagles did not write Hotel California. Can't remember who did, but I'd bet money that it wasn't one or a combination of those guys.

Personally, the Eagles are a colossal bore.

Re: The worst or who you dislike?

sonusman said:
One listen to Def Leppards first album, On Through The Night... That was some of the most terrible drumming played on national radio ever!

That dude actually got BETTER when he lost an arm.....


That's true, but he was like 15 years old or something, too. Nevertheless, that and High n Dry are two fine records.

OK, first of all, people have been trashing Ringo as a drummer forever, and you know what, THEY'RE ALL WRONG! Ringo played a lot of really creative stuff, always displayed good taste, sped up when the songs needed to speed up....c'mon everybody, get over it, the guy was good.

Lars Ulrich....well we all seem to agree he can't keep time live, and that he's annoying as hell. And is everyone aware that all the studio stuff is cut together like 4 bars at a time? I mean, I'm all for studio trickery, but at some point you'd think he'd have learned to play the damn drums.

Tommy Lee I actually used to like back in the day, he used to have a nice swing to his playing when he wasn't face down in a pile of coke.

Neil Peart wouldn't swing if you hung him.

Don Henley and Phil Collins are Agents of Satan and should not be mentioned at all, by anyone, ever.
Just like the mentions of Tommy Lee, I think most people talking about Ringo are saying he's overrated, not bad. On the other hand, I'm not a big Beatles fan but of all their music I've been exposed to I've never heard Ringo do anything that I would call creative, impressive, interesting, or noteworthy in any respect. I'll concede "tasteful", but there's a fine line between being tasteful and just being an uninteresting metronome. I'll be happy to be converted, just tell me what Beatles songs I should listen to where Ringo did anything worthwhile.

Even though I'm one of the guys that will trash Lars at any opportunity, I think some of the work that shows up on earlier Metallica albums was very interesting. It must've taken months to splice that stuff together (I bet they love Pro Tools now).
Diragor, Ringo was cutting edge rock drumming at its finest38 years ago.Ever listen to an old Elvis record. Thats what rock drummers sounded like before Ringo paved the way.That is why so many of todays 50ish masters started playing, myself included.Until Gingerbaker and Carmine around 1966 nobody was better.What great drummer of today could possibly make the Beatles sound better? Do you think a double bass or jazz solo would make A Hard Days Night sound better. WAKE UP.
Well I know I will get flamed for this one too but that is ok, isn't that the main part of the net anyway? ;)
Ringo was the man back in the day. Just like a few others stated, he started alot of what is common practice in percussion today. Alot of those old drummers just had a snare, 1 tom, 1 cymbal and a highhat. Not too many even used bass drums at first as most of the music was more Rockabilly than rock and roll and really did not need a bass drum.
What Ringo did IMO is really start the driving 4/4 beat. The good old 1/4 note highhat, 1 and 3 bass and 2 and 4 snare.
You also have to look at what type of situation the Beatles were in back then. They played out of tiny amps that would not even hold up to todays bar standards in huge arenas and stadiums. What Ringo did at that point was try his damnist to just keep the beat going so the band would all be in time. Givin Ringo is no Buddy Rich, Gene Kruppa , Kieth Moon (IMO the best drummers of all time) but he served his purpose and he served it good. The Beatles including Ringo are one of the most influental, greatest artists of modern times.
This is all MHO so flame me as need be! hehe

Oh yeah I figured out another Drummer that really pissed me off. Remember Stryper? I remember I was sooooo pissed off to see that guy ruin a completly nice set of Tympani with those sick ass yellow and black stripes. I wonder what ever happened to them......"To hell with the devil" hahaha

Flame on!
I don't care about influence or "paving the way", I care about what the guy played. To make an example of another popular guy in this thread, Lars Ulrich's work with Metallica on Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets had a huge influence on drummers everywhere, including me, but does that mean he's all that great? No. Metallica's Kill 'Em All album had a huge influence on metal music and laid the groundwork for Metallica's amazing later efforts, but I still think the album sucks when taken out of context and examined for what it is. I don't care about the context of Ringo's achievments, I just know that I listen to his playing and remain unaffected. The first person to ever play a bass drum with a foot pedal or even the first person to ever hit a drum with a wooden stick was probably amazing for his time and obviously had a huge influence on percussion as an art form, but that's not what I'm talking about. I can respect his contribution to drumming, but I'm still not impressed with his playing as it stands on its own.

I dont know much about famous dummers that suk, But I do know about the one we had in my first band called surge.
Kid sounded like he was haven episodes on the kit, like he was trying to kill a bug that kept landing on the kit.
HEEEHEHhEH, now thats a bad drummer.
Diragor, I like how you put it about Lars being influential but not great. And those records had a big influence on me in my youthful metalhead days. Oh, and I think they had a guy whose sole responsibility in the studio was splicing Lars' takes together. Ha. You're familiar with Master of Puppets? "Disposable Heroes", verse 2, there are 4 "cymbal chokes" right in a row....he had a guy stand there and grab the cymbal for him. Ha HA.

As for Ringo, listen to "Revolver", "Rubber Soul", "Sgt Pepper", "Abbey Road". Any of 'em really. And here's the thing: if after a listen you still aren't impressed, sit down with one of the records and play along, note for freakin note, and then see what you think. Playing simply is often a lot harder than it seems.
I say Victor DeLorenzo of the Violent Femmes. He played a bucket on a floor tom for god's sake! And the guy from Everclear is a dork too.
I'd like to smash Phil Collin's bald head like a melon. He makes me ill and should stop recording music for the elderly.
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I agree that the Def Leppard guy was better after he lost an arm...and....HAHA!

Seriously, you guys don't know. Go find the first Venom LP "Welcome to Hell". I can't believe they actually released that piece of shit as it was.
flier said:
Ringo? Come on, what the hell is wrong with Ringo? There IS a reason a lot of great drummers like him and it's NOT cause they're kissing his ass.

About Phil Collins, I sure do agree: he sucks. He can't drum, sing, produce or write songs. He just flat out sucks rocks.

I would have to say my personal worst drummer though is Neil Peart. I'm sure most will disagree but I can't stand to listen to the guy for 30 seconds. Drumming is a sexual art as much as a musical one, and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be Neil Peart's wife if ya know what I mean.


Now, go easy on the Pratt or there'll be some head-knockin'. ;)
Paulie said:
C7 SUS, When you or anybody you know or play with writes or sings on or plays on a masterpiece like Hotel California let me know I will be the first in line to see your show.

whatever dude- the eagles SUCK. hotel california is bland elevator shit.
The Seifer said:
this thread smells like jealous

I can hear it in the Guitar forum.

"Nobody sucks worse than Clapton."

"Hendrix sucked worse, I don't care how influential he was."

You guys are just jealous that you don't have any quaalude doped teens in your bed.