Who is led zeppelin anyway?

firby said:
An essential part of playing in the studio is grooving like a clock to a clicktrack. But when you are playing live you should get your clock from the ensemble. Because, the drummer does not keep the time. The band does, and when the band leans on the drummer for time the band doesn't groove.

I think you are extremely misguided in this thought. It is the essential responsibility of the drummer to keep the time! That's his JOB! Why do you think its called a rhythm section? I guess you've never had bandmates yell at you that you're playing to fast or speeding up or letting it breath too much, have you? The drummer counts off the song and has to keep the tempo from falling apart! I know countless pros who use click tracks. Dave Weckl practices soloing to a click and has practiced to a metronome so much that he can count a specific tempo without one now. Your job is to keep the band together! Not the other way around.
EDAN said:
...Peart in my opinion is one of the most overated drummers of all time, no grove, his technique is highly overated in my opinion, he plays semi fast single and double rolls around 20 toms and people think he's some sort of drum God, ever hear him on a four piece kit? I think he'd be lost....
Well, have you ever seen the footage of Peart warming up backstage in the Rush In Rio DVD? He's playing a 5 piece kit (or I should say a 5 piece practice pad ) and he does ok. It's way better than his solo!
Peart is better now that he took some lessons some years back. Now he actually has more of a "less is more" attitude to his playing than he did 30 years ago. He's much better now, more technique and groove. I prefer Bonham over peart anyday because I believe less is more myself. Just listen to guys like Phill Rudd. Rudd plays for the song. He knows what the band needs and he plays just that and no more. He's got more groove than Peart ever will....not to mention one of the most destinctive snare sounds of all time.
Peart is great, for Rush. Rudd is great for AC/DC. Bonham was great period.
PhilGood said:
I think you are extremely misguided in this thought. It is the essential responsibility of the drummer to keep the time! That's his JOB! Why do you think its called a rhythm section? I guess you've never had bandmates yell at you that you're playing to fast or speeding up or letting it breath too much, have you? The drummer counts off the song and has to keep the tempo from falling apart! I know countless pros who use click tracks. Dave Weckl practices soloing to a click and has practiced to a metronome so much that he can count a specific tempo without one now. Your job is to keep the band together! Not the other way around.
Ain't it the truth!
To put it into perspective...Bonzo was the first guy out there that would really play the kit...due to this sound Zeppelin were the first to play modern rock.

I have to put his sound into a catagory...

The Bonams....Drummers that just plain drive the band

The Copelands...good technical players.

Get it?
ljump12 said:
Thought this might be the appropriate forum for this question
if you're serious, i suggest you go away from this website.. step away from any instrument you play. turn on the tv and watch a football game or something. music is not your thing, buddy.

im very scared for the youth of america, someone call my doctor, my bood pressure is up again.

im sorry dude, but you cant ask things like that. no offense..
darrin_h2000 said:
To put it into perspective...Bonzo was the first guy out there that would really play the kit...due to this sound Zeppelin were the first to play modern rock.
one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum. :(
Tell me another drummer that was doing more than paradiddles and merely keeping a dancable beat...Bonzo wasnt a dance drummer...many followed his lead.

This definatly wasnt the "Mersey" sound.