Who is led zeppelin anyway?

ljump12 said:
Thought this might be the appropriate forum for this question

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go home and listen.

what did you think, someone was going to describe it for you?
well.... it's blues rock. now you know. :rolleyes:
Robert Plant
Jimmy Page
John Bonham
John Paul Jones


Or are you asking a more esoteric question, like "What does it mean?".

Well, Count Zeppelin was the inventor of the airship, also known as a derigible; A rigid structure filled with gas lighter than air that then had engines with propellers for forward motion, stabilizers and rudders to steer the craft. He spent his entire fortune in the development of his obsession with the ships and was refinanced by the good will of the German people, with whom he had become a national hero.

Lead is a metal with a high mass. It is very heavy!

To conscruct an airship made from lead would be an exercise in futility, but a very cool play on words. An even cooler play on words is to remove the unnecessary A from the word "lead".

It was such cleverness that was used by an Englishman named Jimmy Page, who together with Robert Plant put together a group to play a new version of heavy Blues that would WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WHO IS LED ZEPPELIN"?????????

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tilinmyowngrave said:
Heres a better question... who doesn't like Led Zeppelin here? And WHY do yo0u like them? whats so special about them?

They were pretty much the Pioneers of Hard Rock. Sure, there were others before them, but there was something magical about Zeppelin.

Page wasn't the greatest lead guitarist to ever pick up the guitar, but he was an incredible songwriter and really creative - not to mention all of the studio tricks he had up his sleeve from years of doing session work.

The most underrated member of Zeppelin was John Paul Jones, yet to this day - he is one of my favorite bass players. He was simply incredible. Anybody who doubts this needs to pick up his solo release called Zooma. Check out the video of him playing slide/steel guitar on this live video of Nosumi Blues, or even better the Triple Neck guitar solo! It's just him, a guitar/mandolin with 3 necks, and a delay pedal. It's awesome!! http://www.johnpauljones.com/multimedia.html

Plant had the looks and voice of a god. Need I say more? :D

And Bonzo had the groove and the drumsound. He wasn't the best technical drummer at the time - Ian Paice from Deep Purple had much better snare work - Just listen to Machine Head from DP - but Paice didn't have "the sound". Bonzo's drum sound was just really bombastic and it was a combination of the fact that he used big drums and tuned them high in pitch, combined with Pages mic'ing techniques to give the drums "room to breathe" - by mic'ing the kit farther out, the sound really had time to form in the room - and it just made it sound so much bigger than everything else that was out at the time.

On top of the sound of the drums, was Bonham's groove or feel - it was almost like he was dancing behind the drumkit, and I think part of that came from his love of Motown music. He just had this certain swagger in his playing that I think you're either born with, or you're not. For examples: Trampled Under Foot, The Rover, Out on the Tiles, or In The Light.

So, that's why I loved Led Zeppelin.

tilinmyowngrave said:
Heres a better question... who doesn't like Led Zeppelin here? And WHY do yo0u like them? whats so special about them?

Here's another answer: Led Zeppelin are also known as the Grandfathers of Heavy Metal and hard rock. They were the first! The invented the heavy sound!! Others may have gotten close, but not like Zep. If you like ANY form of metal or hard rock, then you owe Zeppelin tribute! You do not have a choice! If it weren't for them, none of it would exist...period. Not the way we know it. In the way that the beatles influenced rock and popular music, virtually ever band that progressed the hard and heavy sound of big drums and heavy guitar will credit Zeppelin as their main influence. It ALL stemmed from them. It is history! THAT is what is so special about them!

All roads lead to Rome in this case. Do some research and you will have a profound respect for them!!

To not like them is to disgrace the origins of one of the most influential sounds in the last century!!