Where can I make a suggestion to the forum admins?

I did a quick forum search on the word 'foley'. The first page of results, twenty-two threads, cover a period from Feb 2010 to now. While there is obviously some interest there, I agree with the others who suggest that there is not enough to warrant a separate forum.
I'm not hammering at all :). But I do need to comment on this.

I think the main reason for having so few posts regarding Foley might be due to the fact that people realize that this forum is more about music and equipment. This is how I felt when I first looked into it. Before registering at here, I had a look around and most topics were about music and equipment and music related software. Even the Recording Techniques forum’s section was “flooded” with music related discussions.

The main and only reason which took me to register at Home Recording was an equipment related subject. I wouldn't had registered over here if I had a question directly related to Foley or sound design as there other forums dedicated on the subject. Also, my Google keywords would have been quite different, ceasing myself of noticing the existence of HomeRecording.

The user elbandito said something to me at my “recording rain methods” thread:

“(…) I'm excited to know that there are other folks interested in Field Recording/Foley here on HR and it'd be a shame to have you disappear like so many others(…)”

Maybe there is an explanation for people who love Foley “disappear”. It might be related to feeling “uncomfortable” around here as there is not a noticeable place for them to linger about. I’m not saying that the population here is not capable of helping someone with a “Foley issue”, I actually got quite happy with the responses I got at my “rain” thread, I’m only saying that the way the forum is structured might not present itself suitable towards those with such interest.

Notice my other thread related to synthesizing functionality for sound design which describes itself as follows:

“I do love Sound Forge Pro's synthesizing functionality. But I think now it is too limited. Are there any other programs working similarly but with more oscillators and more options?”

This is a sound design / Foley related thread. At the moment is has 112 views with zero responses because I’m sure those who browsed it were connected to music and not into sound design, this is why they couldn’t suggest nothing on that matter. This observation reinforces my idea of this forum simply “not being suitable” to accommodate Foley lovers as they also might not feel supported due to their scarce existence around here. I understand that this thread is only 1 day old but if I measure the overall activity that usually a 1 day old threads have at Home Recording, I can conclude this thread of mine falls way bellow the chart in both responses and views :)

I'm pretty sure someone will post back having a good explanation to why it's not necessary to have a Sound Design / Foley dedicated section as I'm pretty sure my neonate activity will diminish as I find better solutions elsewhere as far sound design is concerned.

This forum has a purpose and I believe it accomplishes it quite well. I'm not expecting it to change so I can feel "accomplished" or something. I just felt obligated sharing my thoughts with you to why Foley lovers tend to disappear, being myself one.
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This is a sound design / Foley related thread. At the moment is has 112 views with zero responses because I’m sure those who browsed it were connected to music and not into sound design, this is why they couldn’t suggest nothing on that matter.

The "112" views" is flattering and mis-leading. Out of those 112, I'd bet at least 80 of them were spam-bots. Go into any forum almost any time of the day, and you'll see something like "2 members and 46 guests" viewing a thread. 112 views doesn't mean anything.

There just isn't enough interest. Let it go already.
The "112" views" is flattering and mis-leading. Out of those 112, I'd bet at least 80 of them were spam-bots. Go into any forum almost any time of the day, and you'll see something like "2 members and 46 guests" viewing a thread. 112 views doesn't mean anything.

There just isn't enough interest. Let it go already.

Good point there. Thanks!
The user elbandito said something to me at my “recording rain methods” thread:

“(…) I'm excited to know that there are other folks interested in Field Recording/Foley here on HR and it'd be a shame to have you disappear like so many others(…)”
When elbandito spoke of "disappear like so many others", my understanding of that wasn't that he was talking about the foley lovers in particular, but rather, the general traffic. We get many people that show up for a short while, get quite involved and then just disappear, sometimes for months, sometimes for years, sometimes indefinitely and sometimes......forever.

Truth be told, even in the pre~digital analog days, interest in creating one's own sound effects was pretty limited. Bands would just raid the sound effects archives at various studios. There are notable exceptions of course, like Judas Priest clanking cutlery and heavilly compressing it to get the marching footstep sound in "Metal Gods" and the Beatles often made their own little effects. But by and large, though there are alot of examples one could point to, in terms of the bigger picture, it is a small number.
Also, thinking about it, on a home recording forum, for many, it's as much as they want to do to record their songs and have a permanent record of some sort. Not that many people think in terms of peppering their stuff with sound effects. So really, what we see on this forum in relation to sound effects {it was only reading this thread that I ever even heard the word "Foley". The Foleys were this family of smoking ne'er~do~wells that I went to school with !} is kind of consistent with the recording world at large. Especially in this age of CD libraries and samples. In fact, I remember a thread from a couple of years back in which one guy was asking for the best way to record a fire engine claxon as his local station had said he could and some of the weightier advice from some high ranking members of the site amounted to "just download a sample". And a slight debate ensued.
Personally, I love recording my own effects, going to ridiculous lengths even though I could download them in seconds. But that's me. I think every so often the topic will come up and sometimes it will strike a chord and sometimes it won't. It is interesting to note how few responses most of the common queries get now. Or how repetitive somewhere like the analog only forum is over the course of a year. This is just the nature of........people.
Also, thinking about it, on a home recording forum, for many, it's as much as they want to do to record their songs and have a permanent record of some sort. Not that many people think in terms of peppering their stuff with sound effects. So really, what we see on this forum in relation to sound effects {it was only reading this thread that I ever even heard the word "Foley". The Foleys were this family of smoking ne'er~do~wells that I went to school with !} is kind of consistent with the recording world at large.(...)

I see what you mean.
Music is by far more popular than sound design, no doubt there but my point is actually related to that. If no one makes room for sound design the chances of it "gaining popularity" or at least being noticed is reduced. Proof of that is that you didn't know about the term 'Foley' before my thread. Someone could need a footstep or a cranky door opening sound fx for any application and having a section dedicated for that matter would definitely promote sound design as well as making sure that those who know about Sound design post where they should offering better quality posts related to sound fx itself. Those unfamiliar with such could actually contribute and possible some just in the name of fun.

Many hobbyists who are into video and game development do search for Foley and while it is not as popular as music itself it does have a big community attached to it.

Well, I've made my point and I'm beginning to repeat myself. I understand that this forum is about music related issues and that it works well as it is, so I will simply accept that and move along.

Thanks for your comment. I consider this thread closed.
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I'm sorry. What do you mean?

What I mean is that I do a lot of sound effects that am proud of.

Today for instance I will be providing sound for a local city's Christmas tree lighting. Lots of vocal groups singing carols a brass band performing holiday music .....

THEN the mayor will come out to the band stand to recite *Twas the night before Christmas* and all through the reading are the 15 or so sound effects that I made in my studio that accompany the reading.

They took me an afternoon and a lot of imagination to get the right sounds but I accomplished a satisfying sound scape of reindeer hoofs on the roof, Santa's laugh, Santa's journey down and up the chimney etc.
What I mean is that I do a lot of sound effects that am proud of.

Today for instance I will be providing sound for a local city's Christmas tree lighting. Lots of vocal groups singing carols a brass band performing holiday music .....

THEN the mayor will come out to the band stand to recite *Twas the night before Christmas* and all through the reading are the 15 or so sound effects that I made in my studio that accompany the reading.

They took me an afternoon and a lot of imagination to get the right sounds but I accomplished a satisfying sound scape of reindeer hoofs on the roof, Santa's laugh, Santa's journey down and up the chimney etc.

I see, that looks impressive! That is also the kind of stuff I would enjoy doing. But my main passion is indeed capturing elements.
Dang! I hope you stick around.

Don't worry, I'm planning on staying for now. It would be extremely unfair for me leaving without giving this forum a chance. Once I get into "business" I will see if this place meets my expectations.

There is also another reason for staying, I do love the way moderators keep a close eye on trolls and childish behavior. Proof of that is a small incident that occurred in this very thread. I like supervised places filled with mature people.

Even if I begin posting elsewhere as far sound design is concerned, there is a good chance I'll maintain contact with HomeRecording.
Re explosions E? You might like to listen to this
BBC Radio 3 - Music Feature, Tchaikovsky's 1812: A Dishonest Overture?
Arrggh! Just realized, BBC iPlayer doe not work outside UK (unless you are a master hacker!) . I will grab it and see what it is about as I only caught a few seconds of them recording blackpowder cannon.

Re your suggestion. It is notoriously difficult to get "forums" to instigate new sections. Many reasons are give tho' I suspect the main one is "We know best" (present company excepted OF COURSE!).

There is a very prestidgious forum, UK based, that refuses to implement a Newbies section despite over a year's constant lobbying.

You say you like well run, mature forums run by polite people? I point you to two...
Studio-Central for the Modern Computer Musician and www.soundonsound.com...........But a Foley section at either? No chance!

Your link seems to play fine here. I'm no master hack.

I'm not sure I would call this forum mature, but we definitely try to keep the site clean. Polite is just something we aspire to be. :)
If we could just keep that gingerbread man from running through here! :D

Catch me, catch me if you can. - I hate fast food. ;)
Your link seems to play fine here. I'm no master hack.

I'm not sure I would call this forum mature, but we definitely try to keep the site clean. Polite is just something we aspire to be. :)

Jimmy! Are you telling me you can listen to BBC Radio3 in US?

I was certain that was not supposed to work. My son is in France and we always assumed he could not get R3. Be brilliant if he could get his Discovering Music programmes.
