What's your Tascam product?

My one and only analog recorder is a Tascam 112R cassette deck that hasn't arrived yet. It will be the first tape deck I've had in many years, and I can't wait! :)

The 112R was defective or damaged, so I returned it for a full refund. Then I bought a US-428, and the same thing happened.

Yesterday, I got a 424 that I bought from an HR member. I'm still familiarizing myself with the unit, but it seems to be working fine so far. I had no idea these things had become so sophisticated over the years. My only prior experience with cassette multitrackers was with a Vestax I got at a pawn shop years ago. There wasn't much to it at all. It was a dinky little thing with mechanical transport controls. The 424 puts it to shame. Amazingly flexible routing and programming - the kind I take for granted in a solid state device but never dreamed could be implemented so elegantly in an electromechanical unit. It's easy to see why these were so popular and continue to be sought after in the used market. With the two effects loops, I can finally take full advantage of my rackmount processors. I think I'm going to enjoy this machine for years to come. :D
It's the good old 488 for me. I am phasing it though, as soon as I've completed all the stuff outstanding that I've done on it.
464 currently not working, (don't know why and no technical ability or money to fix right now)
MFP-01 (my first 4-track :) )
DP 01 fx/cd (not mine but it lives in my studio for the time being)

Oh yeah I have a basic dynamic mic and headphones that came in the recording package with my MFP-01. The phones are alright but the cheap plastic broke (damn cats on shelves) so they are taped together. I don't really like the mic, I have a $30 musicians-friend mic that doesn't distort as easily as this thing, but its okay for nylon guitar or something soft tone like I don't ever play. Heck, it's a free mic, what do I expect?
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2488 40gb version (should have waited one more month and bought the 80gb version, damn you tascam!), DP008 (got a great deal on it on Amazon for like $200 with free shipping), DR-1 (wish the case wasn't plastic, other than that it's pretty nice), Porta02 mkII 4-Track, and a 414MKII 4-Track. I've own a few other tascam cassette recorders over the years, but those are dead to me now.
All analog here at my studio: 234 (x2), 238 plus remote (x3), 688, 464, 112, 122MkIII, 38 plus remote, MSR-16 plus remote, MTS-30
Thinking about buying a TASCAM M16 Mixer for Analog Recording. Anyone out there with experience on this ? Is it a good Mixer?

Any opinions on this Mixer?
Never used one but thge heart of my system is an M-3500. I REALLY like it. My first multitrack machine was a 238 (I have two) which my son now uses.