What's the point?



Seriously though, my wife not liking my song would be a strong sign I'm onto something good.
I'm at a point where I'm not excited about writing or recording. Kind of in a lull.
I just finished building a bass and the process was a lot of fun.

Same here. Recording has taken somewhat of a back seat to building instruments.
Now I have several songs waiting to be completed, and several instruments waiting to be completed.
ADHD is a bitch! :D
I didn't get that impression at all ..... I was just responding to your question about if others struggled with the same thing.

But no, it was clear you were just discussing a subject ...... didn't come across as whiny at all.

As for your family ..... they'll never understand.
I've been married to my wife for 25 years ..... I'm a full time live player and she's cool with that.
Even buys me things like guitars or PA heads for gifts.
But she shows zero interest in my music even though I've made it clear it hurts my feelings.

meh ...... just doesn't compute to her.

So ...... I keep playing partly out of needing to pay my mortgage but also I love it ..... if I decide to spend days in the studio she'll actually say, "That's great! I'm glad you did that."
But she has absolutely zero interest in whatever comes out of it. :D

That's just the way it is ...... I don't care about her shoe collection.
Sounds like we're married to the same woman
In the warm weathertime (now) I get little studio time - windows are open, fans are blowing.... zillion things to do on the weekends. When it's 85 degrees and humid, the last thing I want to do is put a set of headphones on for a couple of hours tracking. In the winter, on the other hand, I'll spend much more time tracking, songwriting and goofing off in the studio. (When I'm not shoveling snow, of course!)
My wife likes some of my stuff. Some. But she doesn't even throw a glance at my room full of amps and cabs, full set of drums, constant recording, and playing in two very active bands, so I'm just fine with her not giving a shit about my music. She doesn't even come see me play. She just kisses me goodbye, tells me to behave, and I'm out the door. It's actually pretty great! :)
^^^^^this 100 and 10 % when I was in bands for all those years.^^^^

some of the guys I have played with in the past would have their wives or girlfriends as permanent fixtures....almost like freaking yoko onos.

Soon as the set ends they have to go straight to them. If they walk outside they have to tell them "I'm walking outside for a second"....
and yes, in 2 tick seconds the bitch is outside looking for him. Don't get me wrong, my wife has been to gigs plenty of times, but she has never smothered me and knows the musicians have to mingle with the crowd. The crowd pays good money to come to a gig. they want to say a word or two to the band members. if only to say " Man, I really dig what you are playing" or something like that. It's kind of hard to work the room and interact with the crowd when ones girlfriend or wife expects them to run to their table and hold their hand when the set is over.
I'm just stating my opinion, others may disagree. I never bitched about it to any of the guys I played with as long as they didn't break the one rule that I always vocalize and adhere to...
No wives or girlfriend at band practice or band meetings!!!

If female band members are in the band....no boyfriends or husbands!!
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They'll look at you like you have no idea what you're talking about every single time. Then, they read the same thing on the internet by some so-called "expert" and they'll believe it like it's in the fucking bible. It can be about any subject. Compared to a stranger, you're an idiot no matter how much you know, even if it's your expertise. It's just the way they're programmed.
Man ...... that's SO true!
After the day I had today, it's strange this thread came up....At this very moment, it wouldn't take me very much at all to just sell all my shit & forget about it....Seriously, I just can't even begin to tell you guys what a fuckin' shitty, terrible, pissy day I've had...

If I don't change my mind, I'm very likely to just sell off all this shit & move on, it's been that fuckin' bad today....
After the day I had today, it's strange this thread came up....At this very moment, it wouldn't take me very much at all to just sell all my shit & forget about it....Seriously, I just can't even begin to tell you guys what a fuckin' shitty, terrible, pissy day I've had...

If I don't change my mind, I'm very likely to just sell off all this shit & move on, it's been that fuckin' bad today....

I'll give you $100 for the lot - sight unseen... US dollars even, if that's the way it has to be. :D

"Musicians - cashing in on the hard times of other musicians since forever...." :laughings:

Chin up minerdude - the Ashley Madison scandal will blow over... I mean it's unfortunate that you've been outed and all, but just lay low for a while and deny, deny, deny. ;)


Go write an angry song, you'll feel better... :)
The question is, "Do you enjoy doing it?" In my opinion, that should be the only question when it comes to shit like this. And if you're not sure, stop doing it for a while. You'll know within a couple weeks whether you actually enjoyed it or not, and whether it was worth the time. And then you'll have the answer to that eternal question, "what's the point?"... as it relates to your home recording, anyway. And if you come up with answers beyond home recording, do the rest of us a favor and fill us in.
After the day I had today, it's strange this thread came up....At this very moment, it wouldn't take me very much at all to just sell all my shit & forget about it....Seriously, I just can't even begin to tell you guys what a fuckin' shitty, terrible, pissy day I've had...

If I don't change my mind, I'm very likely to just sell off all this shit & move on, it's been that fuckin' bad today....

Damn, wtf happened?
After the day I had today, it's strange this thread came up....At this very moment, it wouldn't take me very much at all to just sell all my shit & forget about it....Seriously, I just can't even begin to tell you guys what a fuckin' shitty, terrible, pissy day I've had...

If I don't change my mind, I'm very likely to just sell off all this shit & move on, it's been that fuckin' bad today....

Those make the are the best days to make music.