Vicious dogs

Here's one about an elephant - we're all over Cecil now. Unfortunately the elephant in question doesn't have a cute name, so no-one cares...

Exactly! See I got the whole scoop from Zeke the zebra, and evidently 3 days before his murder Cecil viciously ambushed and slaughtered Zeke's best friend Gary the gazelle when Zeke and Gary were chilling at the watering hole. Didn't even make the news either but luckily I read the Zeke the zebra article through an alternative news site!
The dynamics and parameters have changed with the onset of pit bull popularity.

You've probably all heard about the guy who was attacked by a couple of chimpanzee's that got out of their cage. It's a horrific story and he is mutilated for the rest of his life.

I met him and his Chimp Moe about 40 years ago...All I remeber of that night I was glad Moe was behind a steel cage cause that dude was frickin scary..

Back in the 70's he fought city hall and got it approved that Moe could stay in the city..flash forward @ 20 years Moe bites a young girls finger off and the city said Moe's gotta go..

It was a media circus for about two years with 100's of local citizens protesting that the city let Moe stay with his "parents"

Finally Moe was sent off to a preserve...On Moe's birthday St. James and his wife ( Moe's parents) went to celebrate with Moe.. Someone screwed up and left a gate unlocked and two male chimps got lose and tore into St. James...The rest is history...sickening history.

Fact is Chimps are wild animals and deadly dangerous and need to be handled as much no matter how cute or how freindly or "tame" they seem to be.

Same goes with these aggressive bigger stronger dogs ...They can be as sweet as pie and in a split second go off resulting in death or horrific lifetime injuries and scars.

I worked with a guy who had this 8" scar going across his face, I assumed auto accident...Nope... back when he was a 12 year old kid on a farm in Iowa he had a hound. The hound was attacking one of the smaller dogs. He went out and gave the hound a boot in the chest that knocked the hound off his feet and onto the ground. He turned around and started walking back to the house thinking things were handled all of a sudden he hears the dog coming at him turns around the the damn dog had him by the face...

Gotta respect and be aware of what these big dogs are capable of and understand that they can go off in a heartbeat,

That all said...too many people believe that their little baby would never be capable of it when in fact any dog small or large is capable of's just that the big ones can kill... to the tune of over 200 deaths in the last 10 years and 10's of thousands of bites and maulings.

If you own a mountain lion you get it, you're going to do everything in your power to make sure that sucker is contained and not going to get out and hurt anybody...and if it did there's no question you're going to be liable........ignorance and a misguided "good dog" perception has led many owners of these more dangerous type of dogs to let down their guard when they should be treating and containing these dogs as if it was a deadly serious matter... it is.
I guess some people are dog people and some people, not so much.

Humans are the most dangerous animal, we should be regulated!
I don't do it first hand, I outsource the murdering...


mmm steak source... :D

Think of Cecil the cow! That majestic bovine, standing free in the factory farm's stale wind! You took his life so you could enjoy your succulent medium rare steaks, sizzling over open flames, juices dripping into the coals as the prime cut of flesh merges the pleasant flavor of beef, with peppercorn seasoning and smoked wood. Sliding onto the plate, the meat is so tender you could almost pull it apart without cutlery. The juices begin running into the base of the plate to ensure that every inch of the meat explodes onto the taste buds as the tongue enjoys the unmatched texture of a fine cut of perfectly cooked beef. . .

Okay. . . I need to go lose my food boner before I catch my flight to Africa. I got this two for one deal, where they'll comp the second lion carcass' baggage fee if you show the clerk a photo of you holding a thumbs up posing with the dead lions upon check in. WISH ME LUCK! Lion Steaks for everyone!